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"I don't mind 'aving a drop in my beer, Joe," ses Peter Lamb. "Not to-night, mate," ses Joe; "it's all for Bill. I bought it on purpose for 'im." Bill shook 'ands with him, and when Joe called for another pint and put some more gin in it he said that 'e was the noblest-'arted man that ever lived. "You wasn't saying so 'arf an hour ago," ses Peter Lamb.

Wilks distinctly felt a cold, clammy sensation down his spine and little quivering thrills ran up and down his legs. He glared indignantly at the back of the industrious Mrs. Silk. "Teddy's very fond of you," continued the unconscious woman. "I s'pose it's not 'aving a father, but he seems to me to think more of you than any-body else in the wide, wide world. I get quite jealous sometimes.

'This is a book which is 'aving a large sale just now: we've sold as many as' but here Mark succeeded in getting Vincent away and bringing him up to Mr. Lightowler. 'How are you, sir? began that gentleman, with a touch of condescension in his manner. 'So it's only you that's goin' off?

Peter recommended rum, so to please 'em he 'ad both. It brought 'is colour back, but not 'is cheerfulness. He gave 'em both the slip next morning; which was easy, as Ginger was wearing the locket, and, arter fust 'aving a long ride for nothing owing to getting in the wrong train, he got to Barnet. It was a big place; big enough to 'ave a dozen Orange Villas, but pore Sam couldn't find one.

I runs 'im up an' down the slaughter yard to get 'is circulation up I strokes 'im on the neck, an' tells 'im wot a fine feller 'e is, till 'e's in such good spirits that 'e tikes the killin' as a joke. Just a part of the gime, as it were. Sime with these 'ere pups. They'd like 'aving their tiles bit orf by me." We looked at the puppies doubtfully.

He 'ad to tell her three times afore she understood 'im, and then, instead of being thankful to 'im for 'is thoughtfulness, she chased him 'arf over Wapping with a chopper, screaming with temper. I remember Ginger Dick and Peter Russet trying to do old Sam Small a kindness one time when they was 'aving a rest ashore arter a v'y'ge.

Long ere the harangue was ended, he was as a little child drinking in the utterances of a master. He bent forward eagerly. Keggs had broken off his remarks at the most interesting point. "What happened?" inquired Percy. "The young man," proceeded Keggs, "was a young man of considerable personal attractions, 'aving large brown eyes and a athletic lissome figure, brought about by roller-skating.

"Bein' as you might say fellow artistes; 'aving appeared so often on the same platform, I had to come," he said affably! The weather it was June then got fearfully hot, and I found life irksome to a degree, lying flat on my back unable to move, gazing at the wonderful glass candelabra hanging from the middle of the ceiling.

I'm sure I've kent it a' ma days." "It gives me the creeps to think of it. Imagine standin' h'up before h'all the earth and 'aving all your little bits o' sins fetched out against you! But" hopefully "I don't see myself 'ow there'll be time." "Ay, there'll be time! There'll be a' Eternity afore us, and as far as I can see there'll be naething else to do." "Ow," Mawson wailed.

He didn't mind the black for out o' doors, in case the Army was looking for 'im, but 'aving no clothes he couldn't get out o' doors; and when he said he wouldn't perform unless he got some, Mr. Alfredi dropped 'ints about having 'im took up for a deserter.