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These belonged to Jarvis, himself; had been with him on many a journey and were now most often consulted. "Near's h'I can make it, sir," he said, at last, "we're some two hundred miles from Point Hope on the Alaska shores and a bit farther from a point on the Russian shore, which the natives call On-na-tak, though what the place is like h'I can't say, never 'aving been there.

"Murdered!" said the man; John Steele was silent. "And she, 'is mother 'ad gone, 'aving saved a bit, out into a peaceable-like little 'amlet, where there weren't no bobbies, only instead, bits of flower gardens and bright bloomin' daffy-down-dillies.

Then another paper dug up from somewhere a sort of animated corpse that said was a 'undred and two, and attributed the unfortunate fact to 'is always 'aving 'ad 'is food as 'ot as 'e could swallow it. A bit of sense did begin to dawn upon 'im then, but too late in the day, I take it. 'E'd played about with 'imself too long.

I had to put the conversation into the form of a cross-examination. "'Why not? I asked; 'don't you think she cares for you any longer? "He burst into a harsh laugh. 'There ain't much fear o' that, he said; 'it's like 'aving an Alcock's porous plaster mashed on yer, blowed if it ain't. There's no gettin' rid of 'er. I wish she'd giv' somebody else a turn. I'm fair sick of 'er.

Excuse me, but I'm afraid those burglars have been 'aving a lark with you, sir." He went just a little too far here, for the detective was visibly irritated. "Don't chatter to me," he said. "If you're innocent, so much the better for you; if that statue is found here after this, it will ruin you.

Blows; "you've got more right to it than anybody else. Fancy 'aving you here drinking up the beer for your own funeral." "I don't understand what you're a-driving at," retorted Mr. Blows, drinking somewhat gingerly from the glass. 'Ow could there be a funeral without me?" "It's all a mistake," said the overjoyed Mrs. Blows; "we must have buried somebody else.

"Well, you see, we can't promise; it all depends on how much has come off, and 'aving once got it hoff, we don't want to put it on again." "I never did 'ear such rot," said Swindles. "In my time a boy's feelings weren't considered one did what one considered good for them." Mr. Leopold strove to engage the Demon's attention with compliments regarding his horsemanship in the City and Sub. while Mr.

And then in a forbidding tone, as one who consented to no liberties, "Good evening." "Very pleasant day we've been 'aving," said the fair young man with the white tie. "Very," said Mr. Hoopdriver, slowly; and taking a brown armchair, he planted it with great deliberation where he faced the fireplace, and sat down. Let's see how did that speech begin?

"I don't suppose they'll trouble me much, but they'll turn your place topsy-turvy, I expect. Still, that can't be helped. You know what fools the police are; they'll think you've murdered the captain and hidden his body under the boards. They'll have all the floors up. Ha, ha, ha!" "'Aving floors up don't seem to me to be so amusing as wot it does to you," remarked Mr. Smith, coldly.

He went without the next night, but 'e was such a generous man that 'e would pay every fourth time, and there was no pleasure to the other chaps to see 'im pay and 'ave nothing out of it. It spoilt their evening, and owing to 'aving only about 'arf wot they was accustomed to they all got up very disagreeable next morning. "Why not take just a little beer, Bill?" asks Ginger.