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Updated: August 8, 2024

To be sure, they suld be celebrated with all manner of good cheer, and meeting of friends, and musical instruments harp, sackbut, and psaltery; or gude fiddle and pipes, when these auld-warld instruments of melody are hard to be compassed." "The presence of the fiddle, I dare say," replied Ravenswood, "would atone for the absence of all the others."

He's no a'thegither sae void o' sense neither; he has a gloaming sight o' what's reasonable that is anes and awa' a glisk and nae mair; but he's crack-brained and cockle-headed about his nipperty-tipperty poetry nonsense He'll glowr at an auld-warld barkit aik-snag as if it were a queezmaddam in full bearing; and a naked craig, wi' a bum jawing ower't, is unto him as a garden garnisht with flowering knots and choice pot-herbs.

Maxwell's wonderful escape, and that nothing could be more agreeable to him than to hear the right version of it. But Summertrees was obdurate, and refused to take up the time of the company with such 'auld-warld nonsense. 'Weel, weel, said the provost, 'a wilful man maun hae his way. What do your folk in the country think about the disturbances that are beginning to spunk out in the colonies?

The auld Laird of Ellieslaw has the auld riding blood far hetter at his heart than ye hae troth, he kens naething about thae newfangled notions o' peace and quietness he's a' for the auld-warld doings o' lifting and laying on, and he has a wheen stout lads at his back too, and keeps them weel up in heart, and as fu' o' mischief as young colts.

The Laird o' Tamlowrie and Sir Gilbert Grizzlecleuch, and Auld Rossballoh, and the Bailie, were just setting in to make an afternoon o't, and you, wi' some o' your auld-warld stories, that the mind o' man canna resist, whirl'd them to the back o' beyont to look at the auld Roman camp Ah, sir!" turning to Lovel, "he wad wile the bird aff the tree wi' the tales he tells about folk lang syne and did not I lose the drinking o' sax pints o' gude claret, for the deil ane wad hae stirred till he had seen that out at the least?"

You would have thought, if he had had but his own way at Derby, he would have marched Charlie Stuart through between Wade and the Duke, as a thread goes through the needle's ee, and seated him in Saint James's before you could have said haud your hand. But though he is a windy body when he gets on his auld-warld stories, he has mair gumption in him than most people knows business, Mr.

"O Geordie!" exclaimed the king, "these are auld-warld frailties, of whilk we dare not pronounce even ourselves absolutely free. But the warld grows worse from day to day, Geordie. The juveniles of this age may weel say with the poet 'Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit Nos nequiores

"Maister Dustandsnivel," said the narrator, "it's an unco while since I heard this business treated anent; for the lairds of Knockwinnock, neither Sir Arthur, nor his father, nor his grandfather and I mind a wee bit about them a' liked to hear it spoken about; nor they dinna like it yet But nae matter; ye may be sure it was clattered about in the kitchen, like onything else in a great house, though it were forbidden in the ha' and sae I hae heard the circumstance rehearsed by auld servants in the family; and in thir present days, when things o' that auld-warld sort arena keepit in mind round winter fire-sides as they used to be, I question if there's onybody in the country can tell the tale but mysell aye out-taken the laird though, for there's a parchment book about it, as I have heard, in the charter-room at Knockwinnock Castle."

But Cosmo instead of rising only laughed the more, and went on until at length Grizzie made use of a terrible threat. "As sure's sowens!" she said, "gien ye dinna haud yer tongue wi' that menseless-like lauchin', I'll no tell ye anither auld-warld tale afore Marti'mas." "Will ye tell me ane the nicht gien I haud my tongue an' gang hame wi' ye?" "Ay, that wull I that's gien I can min' upo' ane."

Godsake, woman, let me away; there's saxpence t' ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories. 'Thanks to ye, gudeman; and now ye hae answered a' my questions, and never speired wherefore I asked them, I'll gie you a bit canny advice, and ye maunna speir what for neither. Tib Mumps will be out wi' the stirrup-dram in a gliffing.

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