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"That's 'ardly civil, Esther, and after so many years too; one would think " "I want none of your thinking; get out of my sight. Do you 'ear? I want no truck with you whatever. Haven't you done me enough mischief already?" "Be quiet; listen to me. I'll explain." "I don't want none of your explanation. Go away."

"You be damned for your theory of irregular verbs!" is nothing to it. And he uttered his croak of mirth, whilst Peak, with distorted features, laughed in rage and scorn. 'Thet you, Godwin? Thoughts I, it must be 'im! 'Ow goes it, my bo-oy? You 'ardly reckonise me, I dessay, and I couldn't be sure as it was you till I'd 'ed a good squint at yer.

The're two after the Missus, for all the Colonel's 'ardly cold, so to speak, but I put my money on the dark one." He had hardly uttered these cryptic words when a pretty young woman opened the door which gave on to the stable-yard from the house: "Dinner-time!" she called out merrily. Both men dropped the brooms they were holding, and going towards the door disappeared.

"Thirty-five is a ripe age, Brimberly!" said he at last; "a man should have made something of his life at thirty-five!" "Certingly, sir!" "And I'm getting quite into the sere and yellow leaf, am I not, Brimberly?" Mr. Brimberly raised a plump, protesting hand. "'Ardly that, sir, 'ardly that!" said he, "we are hall of us getting on, of course " "Where to, Brimberly? On where, Brimberly on what?"

"An' fancy 'er 'ardly able to sew on a button, which is very dangerous lyin' about on the floor, as children will eat anythin', not knowin' the consequences," she cried. Chook pointed out that there were no children in the house to eat stray buttons. "An' thankful you ought to be for that," she cried.

His advice was taken; when leaving two men to attend to the horses, we went forward at a brisk walk, and soon found an entrance to the forest that apparently had been long in use. "This is the spot," whispered Steel Spring, "where Nosey's gang enters hafter a thieving job. Ah, many's the time I've been so loaded with plunder that I could 'ardly stand."

"I I I'll 'ave a small ginger-beer," he ses at last, "a very small one." "One small ginger," ses Mr. Goodman to the bar-maid, "and one special Scotch." Sam could 'ardly believe his ears, and he stood there 'oldin' his glass o' ginger-beer and watching Peter's teetotal uncle drink whiskey, and thought 'e must be dreaming. "I dessay it seems very shocking to you," ses Mr.

"You needn't come if you feel tired," she ses, smiling at 'im. The skipper could 'ardly believe his ears. "I do feel tired," he ses. "I've had a heavy day, and I feel more like bed than anything else." "You turn in, then," she ses. "I'll be all right by myself."

Vich I means to say is coming it a bit low down on me, sir, sich conduct ain't 'ardly fair, for V'istlin' Dick vos a werry promising cove as Capitals go. And now to see 'im cut off afore 'is time, and in such a outrageous, onnat'ral manner, touches me up, Mr. Barty, sir, touches me up werry sharp it do!

When I said I had 'ad enough, 'e contradicted me and kept on, but he got tired of it at last, and, arter telling me wot he would do if I ever walked 'is wife out agin, they went off like a couple o' love-birds. By the time I got 'ome next morning my eyes was so swelled up I could 'ardly see, and my nose wouldn't let me touch it.