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He spent arf the night crawling about on all fours looking for the clothes, and four or five times old Isaac woke up from dreams of earthquakes to find Peter 'ad got jammed under 'is bed, and was wondering what 'ad 'appened to 'im. None of 'em was in the best o' tempers when they woke up next morning, and Ginger 'ad 'ardly got 'is eyes open before Isaac was asking 'im about 'is clothes agin.

"I am quite sure, sir, he put it to them very hagreeably and politely, but the young lady gave 'im the 'aughtiest look I've ever seen on mortal fice, sir, and he came back to me so 'umble that I could 'ardly believe he was an 'ead waiter." "I hope he was not unnecessarily persistent," said the Prince, annoyed. "It really is of no consequence where we sit."

He sat up all night composing a letter that should touch her to the heart, with the following result: "If such you will still allow me to qualify you, I write to you in a state of mind that I really 'ardly know what I am about, but I cannot indure making no effort to clear up the gaping abiss which the events of the past fatal afternoon has raised betwixt us.

Yes, it is bleeding, where the bird 'ave bitten it. 'Tchut, mademoiselle, I have said. 'It is a bagatelle. But no. She is distressed. She is what your poet Scott 'ave said, a ministering angel thou. She 'ave torn her 'andkerchief and is binding up my wound. I am enchanted. Such beauty! Such kindness! 'Ardly can I resist to fall on my knees before 'er and declare my passion. We are twin souls.

One night arter 'e had 'ad seventeen bottles he could 'ardly got home, and Peter Russet, who knew a lot about pills and such-like, pointed out to 'im 'ow bad it was for his constitushon. He proved that the lemonade would eat away the coats o' Bill's stomach, and that if 'e kept on 'e might drop down dead at any moment.

Cook went round to 'is lodgings next morning, but found that 'e was out. They began to fancy all sorts o' things then, but Charlie turned up agin that evening more miserable than ever. "I went round to see you this morning," ses Mrs. Cook, "but you wasn't at 'ome." "I never am, 'ardly," ses Charlie. "I can't be it ain't safe." "Why not?" ses Mrs. Cook, fidgeting.

Bill Shields." "How long have you been there, Bill?" "Well, master, I've been in an' out of the stables this hour back. We can't pack in another 'orse, and there's no use tryin'. I daren't 'ardly give them their feed, for, if they was to thicken out just ever so little " "See here, Bill. Be careful how you answer, for a mistake may cost you your place. Have you seen any one pass down the lane?"

It was good-bye. Then she turned and faced the old man, who had paused in the doorway. She held Jessie silently towards him. Transferring the strings held in his right hand to his left, he took the wriggling dog from Cuckoo, lifted her up and down as if considering her weight, ran his eyes over her points with the quick decision of knowledge. "'Ardly a show dawg, lydy," he said.

Mother's death has broken my heart, and now to know that I shall never see any one of you again." "It do seem 'ard. We shall miss you sadly. But I was going to say that father can't take me unless I finds two pounds. You won't see me stranded, will you, Esther?" "I cannot give you the money, Jenny. Father has had too much of my money already; there's 'ardly enough to see me through.

"Well, and now I come to think of it, I'm blessed if I didn't suspeck somethin' of it, right from the first! Why, didn't I say to Beamish, with me own lips, 'ow you couldn't 'ardly take your eyes off 'er? Well, well, I'm sure I wish you every 'appiness though 'ow we're h'ever goin' to get on without Polly, I reelly don't know.