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One night arter 'e had 'ad seventeen bottles he could 'ardly got home, and Peter Russet, who knew a lot about pills and such-like, pointed out to 'im 'ow bad it was for his constitushon. He proved that the lemonade would eat away the coats o' Bill's stomach, and that if 'e kept on 'e might drop down dead at any moment.

He finished up 'is beer, and while the other chaps was telling George Barstow wot a fool he was Joe Clark slipped out arter Bob Pretty and began to call 'im all the names he could think of. "Don't you worry," ses Bob; "the cat ain't found yet." "Is it dead?" ses Joe Clark, 'ardly able to speak. "'Ow should I know?" ses Bob; "that's wot I've got to try and find out.

Wot did you do with those little bits o' watch you found when you was bandaging me up, missis?" "Don't ask me," ses Mrs. Pretty. "I was in such a state I don't know wot I was doing 'ardly." "Well, they must be about somewhere," ses Bob. "You 'ave a look for 'em, Dicky, and if you find 'em, keep 'em. They belong to you."

But I don't want to see him." "Nor more don't any of us," Brownie said, wrathfully. "Billabong had enough of Mr. Cecil. Dear sakes! when I think of him clearin' away from Miss Norah that night, an' what might have 'appened but for that blessed 'eathen, Lal Chunder, I don't feel 'ardly Christian, that I don't! Not as she ever made much of it but poor little lamb!" Mr.

"He called in to see me; quite a surprise to me it was. I 'ardly knowed him." "The last time we three met," said Hardy, who to his host's discomfort had resumed his chair, "Wilks was thrashing me and you were urging him on." Kate Nugent eyed him carefully.

Och! shure I'm only a weather-washed, worn-out old salt, 'ardly worth savin'. Go now, off wi' ye at onest. The water'll be over ye, if ye stand 'eer tin minutes longer." The three youths scrutinised each other's faces, as far as the darkness would allow them. Each tried to read in the countenances of the other two some sign that might determine him.

But one day in Trafalgar Square it came on to rain very 'eavy, and I went for shelter into the National Gallery. It was my fust visit, and I was struck all of a 'eap, and ever since I can 'ardly bring myself to go on with the drudgery of the piece of bacon, and the piece of cheese, with the mouse nibbling at it.

He was uncommon fond of 'is wife, but at last one day, arter she 'ad made a laughing-stock of 'im in the bar, he up and spoke sharp to her. "Wot?" ses Mrs. Dixon, 'ardly able to believe her ears. "Remember who you're speaking to; that's wot I said," ses Dixon. "'Ow dare you talk to me like that?" screams 'is wife, turning red with rage. "Wot d'ye mean by it?"

I ain't afraid of anything living, and I don't mind ghosts when there's two of us. Besides which, the noise of the pistol 'll wake up 'arf the river." "You take care you don't get woke up," ses Joe, 'ardly able to speak for temper. He went off stamping, and grinding 'is teeth, and at eight o'clock to the minute, Ted Dennis turned up with 'is pistol and helped me take care of the wharf.

Why, he must ha' been laughing in 'is sleeve all the time. It's as good as a play." "Look here!" ses George, 'ardly able to speak; "do you mean to tell me he never meant to come?" "I'm afraid not," ses Mrs. Mitchell, "knowing wot he is. But don't you worry; I'll give him a bit o' my mind when I see 'im."