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He went to town early this morning to see about some money matters, and promised to pe pack in a couple of hours, put he ain't pack yet. Mrs. Safareen cot so uneasy apout him to-night, that she came up to my place and pegged me to ride down and hunt him up. I suppose you saw him on his way down?" "Saw him! On his way down! What are you talking about? Didn't you meet him just now?" "Meet who?"

It ish wonderful what mischief gets into dem boys; dere ain't no time when dey ain't doin' notting what dey hadn't not ought to all de times just de same way, while I toils myself to death to educate dem and bring 'em up in de way apout which dey ought to go."

"You will die like a hero, and we'll bury you with all the honors of war." "Yah!" snorted Hans. "Dot vos nice I don'd pelieve! I don'd care apout dot honors uf var! Oh, Shimminy Gristmas! vot a fool a blamed fool vos!" "I am surprised at you," said Frank, sternly. "You should be proud to perish in such a heroic manner." "Oh, yaw! I peen tickled to death mit a pullet. Id vos fun!"

'You said distinctly, said Pauer, "gild the boots that lace the golden legs." 'Ferry well, said Darco. 'I zay zo. Vot are you talking apout? Pauer looked at his watch. 'I must settle up and march, George, he said 'If you carry that business through, let me know. I'm willing to join.

Tell us again, Ikey, apout shootin' de camouflage off de German raider-poat, de Graf von Posen. Mebby-so de lady ain't heardt apout it yet. I didn't see it in de paper meinselluf." So Ikey, thus urged, spun the most wonderful yarns regarding his adventures; and he was not obliged to "draw the long bow"; for the experiences of him and his three friends had been exciting indeed. Mr.

If you brace right up and pretend you are eager to fight with pistols, the chances are ten to one he'll back down before the word is given to fire." "Vell, uf dot veller don'd dink I vos apout grazy for dot tuel, you can kick me mit der neck in." Frank saw that he had fixed it all right with Hans, and he wondered what success Sammy Smiles was having with his second.

"Who are you, pray?" said I, with much dignity, although somewhat puzzled; "how did you get here? and what is it you are talking about?" "Az vor ow I com'd ere," replied the figure, "dat iz none of your pizzness; and as vor vat I be talking apout, I be talk apout vat I tink proper; and as vor who I be, vy dat is de very ting I com'd here for to let you zee for yourzelf."

When he left me and the Injins was as cruel almost as fader and moder, I dinks a good deal apouts dem; when I was a layin' by de fire and not knowin' weder dey wouldn't kill me, den I dinks apout dem again and prays hard; when I swallers de tobacco and feels as if I was dead, den I prays agin to Him and He makes me well and prings me owet all right; arter this I nefer forgets to prays to Him."

He went into a little basement shop where a sign announced that "Scouring and Repairing" were done. A small and bald Hamburger stepped forward, rubbing his hands. Offitt told him what he wanted, and the man got a needle and thread and selected from a large bowl of buttons on a shelf one that would suit. While he was sewing it on, he said: "Derrible news apout Gabben Farnham." "Yes," said Offitt.

"I ton't oben mine mouds apout noddings," declared Hans. "I vos so quiet like an ellerfaunt in a church!" Bright and early the boys were astir on the following morning, and Dick, Tom, and Sam went off to interview Captain Starr before breakfast. They found the captain a thick-set fellow, with a heavy mustache and big, bushy whiskers.