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Lapelle wuz to meet 'em down the river acrosst from Le Grange, so I was figgerin' on findin' him there an' tellin' him whut had happened an' fer him to make his escape down the river while he had setch a good start. I wuzn't goin' to let him be ketched an' at the same time I wuzn't goin' to let anything happen to Miss Violy Gwyn ef I could help it.

Thoughts I, now, if I could come acrosst a nicet little openin', somethink in the rest'rant line, that's what 'ud sewt me jest about down to the ground. I'm cut out for it see? I've got the practical experience, and I've got the capital; and as soon as I got a squint of this little corner shop understand what I mean?

And he had his stuff there, yu, see, and run the ferry, and a kind of a store. He kept coffee and canned goods and star-plug and this and that to supply the prospectin' outfits that come acrosst on his ferry on the trail to the mines. Then a cloud-burst hits his boat and his job's spoiled on the river, and he quits for the mines, takin' his stuff along do you follow me?

You put a broom acrosst your door at night an old witches gotta count ever straw in dat broom fore she can come in. "Some folks can jes nachly see hants bettern others. Teeny, my gal can. I reckon das cause she been borned wid a veil you know, a caul, sumpum what be over some babies' faces when dey is borned. Folks borned wid a caul can see sperrits, an tell whas gonna happen fore it comes true.

"That's what we're wantin' the boats for to go acrosst to the fort," said 'Siah, with apparent frankness. "We've got some things to take over an' it's too fur to swim." "I sh'd say it was!" exclaimed the Tory. "Then I take it the report that reinforcements air comin' is true? Captain De la Place is buyin' cattle to feed the garrison?"

But now I do. I can't think of your going back, Annie." She did not answer him, but went on weeping. "What's more, I ain't a-going to stand it," he added savagely. "I ain't a-going to let you go back a-tall. Talk about home! there's a home right acrosst the fence. We can make it any way we like. It'll do to start with, anyhow.

A woman seemed to mean a sudden and strangely overwhelming accession of problems. What should he do? Where would he put her? What ought he to say? "If you'll excuse me," he ventured at last, "I'll go acrosst and git my team. They're all tangled up, like you see." She spoke, her voice agitated; reached out a hand. "I I can't see at all, sir!"

His fluency was of an eagerness that parried interruption or inquiry. "So you've come acrosst the Big Bend! Ain't it a cosey place? Reminds me of them medicine pictures, 'Before and After Using. The Big Bend's the way this world looked before using before the Bible fixed it up, ye know. Ever seen specimens of Big Bend produce, ma'am? They send 'em East. Grain and plums and such.

"Waal-I dunn~ bein' a Republican-I think-" "That's so-it's a purty scaly outlook. I don't believe in second terms myself," the man hastened to say. "Is that your new barn acrosst there?" be asked, point-ing with his whip. "Yes, sir, it is," replied the old man proudly. After years of planning and hard work he had managed to erect a little wooden barn, costing possibly three hundred dollars.

Symes, says he, 'it's a bloawin' right smart peart, and I don't see fitten for to lower. "I went for'ard. The lookaout he hailed again. 'On deck, sir, says he, 'thar she blaows, an' spouts, an' breaches. "I went aft. 'Cap'n Symes, says I, 'thar she bloaws, an' spouts, an' breaches. Shall I lower? "Cap'n Symes he took a look at the clouds that was a-scuddin' acrosst. 'Mr.