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I know, howsomdever, they're mighty big freshets thur, as I hev sailed a skift more 'n a hundred mile acrosst one o' 'm, whur thur wan't nothin' to be seen but cypress tops peep in out o' the water. The floods, as ye know, come every year, but them ar big ones only oncest in a while.

Both saddle an' bridle hed been washed away: so I made the rope into a sort o' halter, an' mounted her bare-backed. "Jest then I begun to think whur I wur agoin'. The hul country appeared to be under water: an' the nearest neighbour I hed lived acrosst the parairy ten miles off. I knew that his shanty sot on high ground, but how wur I to get thur?

"Drive on acrosst now," said Sim Gage, in grim reply, which closed the other's mouth at once. Mary Warren heard the crunch of wheels, heard the thump of her valise as Sim Gage caught it up and threw it into the back of the buckboard. Then he spoke again. She felt him standing close at hand. Once more, trembling as in an ague, she placed a hand upon his arm.

"That is Mis' Davidson, our school ma'am She's the only woman I seen a'most all last summer, unlessen onct in a while a woman would come out with some fishing party in a automobile. Most of them crosses up above on the bridge and comes down the other side of the creek from us. Seems to me sometimes women has always been just acrosst the creek from me, ma'am. I don't know much about them.

Den you hang it under your right armpit, an ever week you give it a drink o' whiskey, to keep it strong an powful. "Dat keep de witches fum ridin you; but nary one o' dese charms work wid dis old witch. I got a purty good idee who she is, an she got a charm powfuller dan both of dem. But she kaint git acrosst flaxseed, not till she count ever seed. You doan blieve dat? Huh!

"Well, I'm takin' yu' the soonest way," said Wild-Goose Jake, behind them. From his casual smile there was no telling what he had heard. "I'll put your stuff acrosst the Okanagon to-morrow mornin'. But to-night yourselves'll all be over, and the ladies kin sleep in my room." The wagon made good time.

He takes a stick of giant powder, puts cap and fuse on it, lights it careful, jabs it in a frame for a candle, and trots for outdoors with the car never knowin' anything onusual had took place. Just as I slapped the last flapjack and straightened up to yell, 'Come and get it! here come Pete and the car like magic right acrosst the creek, followed by the most dust I ever see in my life.

What galled me the worst was goin' s' far away acrosst so much fine land layin' all through here vacant. "And the 'hoppers eat ye four years, hand runnin', did they?" "Eat! They wiped us out. They chawed everything that was green. They jest set around waitin' f'r us to die t' eat us, too. My God! I ust t' dream of 'em sittin' 'round on the bedpost, six feet long, workin' their jaws.

It does seem to me they air dangerous folks to have anything to do with. "Why, when I was a mite of a girl, I heard my great-grandmother tell that when she was a girl she went with her folks clean acrosst the continent or, leastways, beyond the Mississippi, and they drove in a big wagon drawed by oxen." "Goodness! They went in an emigrant train?" cried Ruth. "Not at all.

Even he managed to fish out a curled stamp from somewhere in the wall pocket. Then he sat down and looked out the door over the willow bushes shivering in the evening air. "'Chivalerous!" said he. "'Well-to-do! A good home and loving care! If that can be put acrosst with any woman in the whole wide world, I'll have faith again in prospectin'!"