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Howsomdever, `it's an ill wind that blows no one good, and, to my mind, if any Spaniards are on our track they won't much like crossing that little bit of blaze astern, till we are pretty well out of their reach." I agreed with him that I should much like to meet any friendly Indians.

Captain Martin inquired whether any of his crew were sufficiently good swimmers to reach the wreck. Rayner longed to say that he would try, but he had never swum in a heavy sea, and felt that it would be madness to make the attempt. "I'll try it, sir," cried Ben Twinch, the boatswain's mate, one of the most powerful men in the ship. "I'd like, howsomdever, to have a line round my waist.

One day, howsomdever, he says to me, `Larry, I've got something on my conscience, and something else in my pocket which I want you to take charge of. "`Anything to serve ye, Tim, says I.

"Ay, ay, sir." "If he'd said he was a lawyer, we would have known what to do. But it's a take in, Jack." "So I think. Howsomdever, we'll serve him out when we catch him, you know." "Good so we will." "And, then, again, he may know something about Master Charles, sir, you know. Lord love him, don't you remember when he came aboard to see you once at Portsmouth?" "Ah! I do, indeed."

"How is that, when they're not Irish! for I'll swear to their not being Irish, tongue or pluck. I don't believe but they're impostors no right Romans, sorrow bit of the likes; but howsomdever, no signs of none following them yet thanks above! Get rid on 'em any way as smart as ye can, dear; tell Mr. Montenero."

"There," said the admiral, as he laid his stick across his shoulders; "that's your last month's wages; don't spend it all at once." "Well, I'm d d!" said Jack; "who'd have thought of that? he's a turning rumgumtious, and no mistake. Howsomdever, I must turn it over in my mind, and be even with him, somehow I owes him one for that. I say, admiral." "What now, you lubber?"

Lawyers, in course, sir, is all blessed rogues; but, howsomdever, he may have for once in his life this here one of 'em have told us of the right channel, and if so be as he has, don't be the Yankee to leave him among the pirates. I'm ashamed on you." "You infernal scoundrel; how dare you preach to me in such a way, you lubberly rascal?" "Cos you desarves it." "Mutiny mutiny by Jove!

How does yours feel, Gipples? It's odd a shot has never come foul of it yet. Howsomdever, you can't expect that always to be. But never mind, old fellow. I'll tell the old people at home how you died like a true British sailor; and if you have any message to your old chums, just tell me what to say."

Howsomdever, he wasn't dead after all, as poor Bob Rattan, an old messmate of mine, found out to his cost. Just about two months had gone by, and Bob one evening was trying to swim from his ship to the shore, when Old Tom caught, him by the leg and hauled him to the bottom.

Howsomdever, he spent his money like a real gent, and I'm precious sorry he's dead; for he was uncom'n good to me, and a good 'un for custom to the master; the likes of him ain't seen every day."