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This time Captain 'Siah listened longer than usual. From far away to seaward, between the peals of thunder, came a confused, roaring sound. At the same time a slight puff of air swelled the sails of the brig, and the helmsman threw over the wheel to meet her, as the vessel began to move through the still waters.

If ever they looked at me the sight of 'em would never go out of my eyes. I'd be harnted by 'em, awake and asleep. And to-morrow is Thanksgiving. I've got to go, dad, and I will." So speaking, he rushed away and was swallowed in the gloom. The man stared after him; then, with a revulsion of feeling, he cried, "You're right, 'Siah. I'll go with you."

And this they did, for Captain Baker sent three or four sturdy Green Mountain Boys around to the widow's farm every night for a week. But the Yorker and his crew did not appear. At this time, when he might have been of such assistance to them, 'Siah Bolderwood was away.

"It would be so much better for you to be in a room with a fire in it for a few days. There isn't any way of warming this room, is there?" said she, looking all about, as if to see if it might not be possible still to put up a stove there. "'Siah" turned his head away to hide a smile, so amused was he by the tact of the remark.

He only pushed the white boy on until they came to the ford of the creek where Enoch and 'Siah Bolderwood had crossed early in the day. There Crow Wing released him altogether and pointed sternly across the river. "Your house that way!" he said. "Go!" "Who is that man back yonder?" cried Enoch, angrily. "You can't make me do what you say "

Cousin Siah, as we called Josiah, didn't cotton tew the old woman, though he did tew her cash; but we hitched along fust-rate. She was 'tached tew the place, hated tew hev it let or sold, thought I'd go to everlastin' rewin ef I took tew lumberin' ag'in, an' hevin' a tidy little sum er money all her own, she took a notion tew buy me off.

At last they succeeded stimulated by the hoarse shouts of Captain 'Siah on the quarter-deck, though not till one of the four men had been struck insensible on the deck by the fierce blows of the sheet-block. The sail was hauled out finally by the exertions of the mate. The helmsman met her at the wheel, and the Waldo heeled over till the water poured in over her lee bulwarks.

The next day 'Siah Bolderwood came striding up to the cabin with the carcass of the doe Enoch had shot across his shoulders, and found the widow at her loom, just within the door. She welcomed the lanky ranger warmly, for he had not only been her husband's closest friend but had been of great assistance to her children and herself since Jonas' death.

Crow Wing's eyes flashed and he drew himself up proudly. "Me no lie me speak true. Injin not two-tongue like white man!" he declared, with scorn, and turning his back on his traducer, stalked out of the house. The settlers, however, paid little attention to his departure. Enoch scuttled back to the ridge where 'Siah was waiting to hear the news.

Sheriff Ten Eyck started from Albany on the 18th of July with more than 300 men and at once the settlers began to gather near the threatened farmstead. 'Siah Bolderwood having no farm of his own, was sent through the country raising men and guns for the defense of the Breckenridge place.