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It is as bad as a tread-mill. You just keep on going round and round." Pompey gave one of his low chuckles. "'Specs dat's de way in dis worl', Miss 'Vadney. We'se got ter keep on eatin', an' we can't sleep enuff one night ter last fer a week, but I 'low it's jes' one o' de beautiful laws ob de Lord, de sun an' de moon an' de stars keeps a'goin over de same ground most continuous.

"He's a'goin' back to Gimlet Butte, to give himself up to Brandt, day after to-morrow." "But what for?" she gasped. "Durned if I know! He's got some fool notion about playin' fair. Seems he came into the Cedar Mountain country to catch the Squaw Creek raiders. Brandt let him escape on that pledge.

"Now look here, Moses Spriggins; I'm not a'goin' to stand no lecturin' from you, for if you don't like it, you can git as soon as you like, for there's Ben Buckler would give his eye tooth to cut you out!" "Come, come, Melindy; we won't say anything more about it.

Ef Miss Di-an's a'goin ter start in ter be a she Atlas an' carry the world on her shoulders, she'll find I'm warranted ter wash an' not shrink in the rinsin'. I'm not a'goin ter be left behind, without I hev changed my name." Dyce kept the rooms in spotless order and waited upon the guests.

"Yes, ye licked him but hit looks like ter me ye picked yore man plum keerful an' got ye an easy one. Wait hyar, I'm goin' atter my hat." "What fer?" "Were a'goin' over thar tergether an' ye're goin' ter crave his pardon." "I wouldn't crave his pardon," burst out the boy violently, "ter save his soul from torment. I'd be a laughing stock ef I did."

He peeps up Awning Avenue heedless of the severe eye of the policeman on guard, he sweeps the edge of the crimson felt foot-cloth tenderly with his broom, and if he has a desire ungratified, it is that he might take a peep just for a minute inside the front door, and see how "they're all a'goin' it!" And how are they a'goin' it!

They must be a bunch o' rotten marksmen, or the whole lot'd be wiped out afore this time. What're we a'goin' to do 'bout it, Jack we ought to have some say what's to be done with all that stuff no use bein' eagles o' the skies if we gotter stick around an' let a measly set o' hawks get away with the game."

Hold tight, Butt'n-Bright! I'm afeared we're a'goin' to bump somethin'!" They were certainly dropping very quickly now, and the rush of air made their eyes fill with water so that they could not see much below them. Suddenly, the basket that was dangling below Cap'n Bill struck something with a loud thud, and this was followed by a yell of anger.

"But see here, partner," whispered Perk, uneasily, "that ain't a'goin to make any perticular difference with our billet, is it jest 'cause he's got this funny streak runnin' through his doin's we don't reckon to throw up our hands an' call it all off, do we?" Jack chuckled.

This time the Curtiss-Robin sped past not much more than three hundred feet above, so that he could plainly make out a head, with its protecting helmet, earflaps, and goggles, that was projected from the cabin. "Darn his nerve, if he ain't wavin' his hand to me to say, 'I see you little boy, you're it! Spotted me, danged if he didn't, by ginger! an' now the fun's a'goin' to start right along.