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Ah, ze leettle ones, zay will go craze for joy; ze baron he will geef no more eyes to ze wife who is losing her shape, and all ze officairs, zay will say, 'Gott! How I lofe children! Mais, I will not angree be, but kiss you so, and so, and so. And to all will I say, 'Voila, deet efer woman haf such a frent for herself and such a second mutter for her children?"

Latt un goo, missus, latt un goo, zay I for wan, and old Davy wash his clouts for un." And this discourse of Betty's tended more than my mother's prayers, I fear, to keep me from going. For I hated Betty in those days, as children always hate a cross servant, and often get fond of a false one.

"Oh," she returned, brokenly, "I want you all to love her, and be patient with Zay. She has always been first so long." "I think if I was a girl I'd be wild to have a sister to tell things to the little things a fellow tells his sweetheart, I suppose, when he has one," laughing. "Vin and I discuss our gettings along and our hopes and some funny scrapes that boys get into.

Zay read some of hers aloud, but she wondered a little what he could find to say so much of to Marguerite. She had not the courage to show it to her mother, even, it seemed so sacred to her. Oh, could she reach the heights he had indicated? Marguerite did shrink from the ordeal of Saturday evening. She had kept rigorously to the position of Mrs.

But whether Miss Power loves back again I can't zay, for she's as deep as the North Star. The landlord here left the stranger to go to some other part of the house, and Somerset drew near to the glass partition to gain a glimpse of a man whose interest in the neighbourhood seemed to have arisen so simultaneously with his own.

"And zay do carry zare money wid zem?" "I guess not at least, not much of it." "You are zare friend, eh?" "Hardly. Out in America we were enemies." "So? You hata zem?" "Yes, I hate them," muttered Dan, and his eyes shone wickedly. "I'm only treating them in a friendly way now because I'm out of money and must do something." "I see.

"I think that was very natural. I suppose she was presuming." "No, she wasn't," returned Zay with heightened color. "I want to be fair to her for she is my sister. I think I'd rather be an only daughter, but father will be just as fond of me, I am sure. I don't know about the boys; but then Vincent won't be home until next summer. I suppose we'll all go to West Point.

"Hoods and veils and I'll wear my old gray coat. Mother would make me bring it and I've not had it on once. We'll trot across the park, shortest route, and hold our heads down." "And then run round to Crawford House and have some hot chocolate," said Zay. It was a winter when Tam o' Shanters were all the rage. Zay had a white one with two fluffy rose-colored rosettes.

"Do nod indervere, Englanderin!" bellowed the baroness; and her crimson was enriched with streaks of purple. "I am in ze charge of 'er royal highness; and I zay zat she does not wiz zese children blay." The fine gray eyes of the princess were burning with a somber glow.

"And you think a ghost means trouble, do you?" The lame man pushed his hat up; his aspiring eyes looked at Ashurst more earnestly than ever. "'Tes not for me to zay that but 'tes they bein' so unrestin'like. There's things us don' understand, that's zartin, for zure.