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"Right!" exclaimed Stubb, approvingly, "coax 'em to it, try that," and Fleece continued. "Do you is all sharks, and by natur wery woracious, yet I zay to you, fellow-critters, dat dat woraciousness 'top dat dam slappin' ob de tail! How you tink to hear, 'spose you keep up such a dam slapping and bitin' dare?" "Cook," cried Stubb, collaring him, "I won't have that swearing.

No there was only one person she had written to. That was Sally Weeks at Laconia, and if Sally answered well, she was lame on spelling, if she had a good generous heart. Zay and her aunt had done something beside writing and mending the party frock. They had discussed Marguerite. "Well," Aunt Kate had said with a long and rather unwilling accent, "she might have been worse.

You know what he was in his young days, of course? 'No, I don't, said the invisible stranger. 'O, I thought everybody knew poor Sir William's history. He was the star, as I may zay, of good company forty years ago. I remember him in the height of his jinks, as I used to zee him when I was a very little boy, and think how great and wonderful he was.

The weather is so very bad, I am sure you will not enjoy such a dull place as this," said Mattie, turning to Mr. Gusher and resuming the conversation, cold and emotionless. "No, no, miss," rejoined Mr. Gusher, smiling; "I am zure I shall be so happy wiz you. Wiz you to zay so many good zings to me, my heart shall be in ze paradise." Here Mr. Gusher made a bow, and pressed his hand to his heart.

He shook his head sadly. "We that's to zay, they as wants un hav'n't heerd tell of un vor this three year three year coom Whitsuntide as ever was " And he wiped his eyes with his cuff. "If you will tell me all about him, and where he was last heard of, I will do all I can to find him." "Will ye, noo? will ye? The Lord bless ye for zaying that."

Ah, we have a great many mercies to be thankful for. It seems as if there was nothing more to ask except that you boys should keep in the right way." "As we shall try to," Willard returned and Vincent's eyes gave a similar promise as he kissed his mother good-by. "Put on your wraps and come along with us Zay," said Willard. "You must need an airing by this time." Zay was nothing loth.

Oh, it seems too blessed to be true, but mother hasn't lost any ground. What a lovely Christmas we shall have!" "And I'm glad enough for your sake, Zay. I've teased you about looking like that Boyd girl, and I dragged you off into danger, but if anything should happen to you I never could forgive myself." "I don't believe we were in any great danger.

Perhaps she understands the worth of contrast." They went back to Zay Crawford, who was a general favorite. She and a brother nine years older than herself, a passed midshipman had gone to Germany in the summer, where her mother had been taking treatment. The Major had accompanied her. Miss Crawford had taken over the young people.

It was quite a treat to sit down at the table with a group of girls. Madame Eustice talked to them in French and Zay surprised her with her readiness and improved pronunciations. "And I am quite a proficient in German as far as talking goes, I've heard so much of it, and it seemed so funny at first. Though a good many of the servants and waiters speak a little English."

"You can't come in here," declared a voice but they pushed through to the outer door, flew down the path and across a space over to the next street, but did not stop until they had reached the side gate to Crawford House. "It's only three of us girls," exclaimed Zay. "We are going to my room." Then they stood in breathless terror, looking in each other's faces.