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Back of it was a flower garden, a vegetable garden, barns, carriage house and a useful little green-house. "Dear, I hope the workmen will be through early in December," said Aunt Kate. "Then there is all the furnishing. Only about six weeks. Does school seem natural, Zay? Have the girls gone way ahead of you?" "I hardly know yet," was the laughing reply. "Mrs.

You will be my girl as Zay is Aunt Kate's. Willard is so interested in you, and when it is a little pleasanter we will go driving together. I like the byways and the nooks and the wild flowers. Oh, do you think you could learn to ride? You would not be afraid! Father is so fond of it. Oh, the rides we used to have in our early life!" Marguerite's eyes lighted with eager pleasure.

'Are these donkeys used to mountain-climbing? 'But yes, signorina! Sicuramente. Zay are ver' strong, ver' good. Zat donk', signorina, he go all day and never one little stumble. His English, she noted with amused appreciation, was an exact copy of Gustavo's; he had learned his lesson well. But she allowed not the slightest recognition of the fact to appear in her face.

At first she will not be glad. If the Major should doubt the story " "The likeness grows upon one. I saw it so plainly this morning. She is more like her mother than Zay and will make a fine looking woman. And I have seen it in Mrs. Crawford a dozen times today. I no longer doubt and I feel like an arch conspirator." Mrs.

Zay glanced down at the other table. She singled out Miss Nevins who had quite a fancy hair dressing and a pink bow. But she saw no one she thought Miss Boyd. Then there was a full hour to the study period. Lilian and her mother often took this meal which was only a kind of high tea in their room. Mrs. Boyd could not overcome a half fear of Mrs. Dane.

I expected you to dine on butter crackers and bears." "I like chicken, I do," said proud little Zay with appealing eyes, but no tears; "and then I lost all my pennies!" In vain did the tender hearted grandma pull mamma's dress, mamma entered the dining room and shut the door; and up came poor Zay to the room where I awaited my dinner, for she had seen a tray borne hither.

How many times in the next few hours didn't I hear him come to the bottom of the stairs; his heavy wheezing, and sighing; and the forlorn tread of his feet going back! About eleven, just as I was going to bed, Mrs. Hopgood came to my door. "Will yu come, sir," she said; "she's asking for yu. Naowt I can zay but what she will see yu; zeems crazy, don't it?"

Louie fidgeted about her skirt. She and Zay were in Phil's room talking over the coming Christmas and Mrs. Crawford's return. "I wonder why that girl doesn't bring my skirt. Maybe they've spoiled it." "Have you sent a maid?" "Why no. I meant Miss Boyd. She oughtn't be above such things." "Still, she isn't here to run on errands. I think Mrs.

'Maister Huckaback, he began, pointing with his pipe at him, the end that was done in sealing-wax, 'tooching of what you was plaized to zay 'bout this here parish, and no oother, mind me no oother parish but thees, I use the vreedom, zur, for to tell 'e, that thee be a laiar.

Why you've not been even exposed to it and yours is just a cold. Now, alternate with these and I'll be in again this afternoon. But, I'd stay in bed and rest." She slipped into a soft white wrapper, and Katy came in to straighten up her room. "You were out late last night, Miss Zay and you've caught a cold." "But, I so rarely have a cold." "It sounds in your voice. Keep wrapped up good and warm.