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"Ach, zank you mine better angel!" he murmured, with a fervor that seemed not unpleasing to his rescuer. "You really are a nobleman in trouble?" "I swear I am!" "And didn't mean anything really wrong?" "Never oh, never!" More kindly than before she murmured "Well, I guess I'll take you out, then. I've bribed Dugald, so that's all right. When my car's ready I'll send him up for you.

"Ah, I zank you extremely, sir," said Professor Socrat, bowing low, "I zank ze giver, an' I zank you for ze most polite attention you have bestowed on me." "You are very welcome, I'm sure," murmured Sam, as he hurried away to join his waiting comrades. "I don't see anything funny about that," said Jack. "Wait until he opens it," whispered Sam.

"Yess zat is verry good stirring times," the young fellow answered, in appreciation of the joke. Then, turning to Tom, he said, "Zis is ze Bartholdi statue, yess? I am from ze West." "That's the Statue of Liberty," said Tom. "You'll see it better when we pass it." "Ah, yess! zis is ze first; I haf' nevaire seen. I zank you."

And you, Lady Alicia, how can I zank you?” “My daughter and I are much distressed, Baron, to find our host hors de combat,” said the Countess, graciously. “Just when you wanted to go away too!” added Lady Alicia, sympathetically. The Baron emitted a happy blend of sigh and groan. “Alas!” he replied, “it is hard indeed.”

"It's an awesome place," whispered Mr. Gallosh. "I hardly thought it would have been as lonesome-like." There was a tremor in his voice that irritated the Baron. "Pooh!" he answered, "it is jost vun old piece of hombog! I do not believe in soch things myself." "Neither do I, my lord; oh, neither do I; but would you fancy a dram?" "Not for me, I zank you," said his lordship stiffly.

No, you shall not zank me," as Gilbert started to speak. "Ees I shall zank you, for 'ere in your quiet 'ome you 'ave give me ze most peaceful day I 'ave spend in years." He smiled his captivating smile, and for the first time took his sombrero from his head. He made a grand gesture. "Ees 'appy day for you. Ees 'appy day for 'er. Ees 'appy day for me!" He made a very low bow.

Gallosh, divine Mees Gallosh, and all ze ladies and gentlemans, how sorry I vas I could not make my speech before, I cannot eggspress. I had a headache, and vas not vell vithin. Ach, soch zings vill happen in a new climate. Bot now I am inspired to tell you I loff you all! I zank you eggstremely! How can I return zis hospitality? I vill tell you! You must all go to Bavaria and stay mit "

"At Wagram, Napoleon cut us open, ant surrountet us in such a way as zere vas no helping. Sree days hat we no provisions, ant stoot in ze vater op to ze knees. Ze evil Napoleon neiser let us go loose nor catchet us. "On ze fours day zey took us prisoners zank Got! ant sent us to one fortress.

He gave chase, stumbling over belated chairs and deck-quoits, but at last it was safe in his clutch, and as he handed it to the agitated owner whom he found at his elbow, he noted with a thrill that the characters were cursive Hebrew. 'How can I zank you, sir! Her Teutonic-touched American gave him the courage to reply gallantly in German: 'By letting me help you more seriously.