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Instinctively, I liked the fellow on sight he appeared both intelligent and trustworthy. "Daylight, is it?" I said, speaking low so as not to awaken the girl. "I must have been asleep." "Yas, sah; yer's bin a noddin' fer de las' hour. Ah wus 'bout ter stir yer up, sah, fer Ah reckon as how we's mos' dar." "Most where?" staring about incredulously. "Oh, yes, Rassuer Creek.

Puttin' him in jail, unless you're absolutely certain that a jail is where he properly belongs, gives him a chance to raise the cry of persecution and gives his followers an excuse to cut loose and smash up things. You git my drift, don't you?" "Yas, suh, think I do.

I crept close. She was a jolly, red- faced girl, good-looking enough, but common to the last degree. Her hat lay on the seat beside her, and her head was resting on his shoulder. She appeared to be fond of him, but he was evidently bored. "'Don'tcher like me, Joe? I heard her murmur. "'Yas, he replied, somewhat unconvincingly, 'o' course I likes yer.

"Yas, suh, I wuz er standin' dar at de cornder o' de house at de time, an' I yered you tell him, an' I would er blebed it, ez I tell you, but dat man is sich er monst'us twister o' de fack dat nuthin' said ter him soun's like de truf. I blebed it when you told him, but de minit he told me it sounded like er lie." "Kintchin, that's putty good sense, anyhow."

Brown cracked jokes with him, Jones bribed him with cake to the performance of before-unheard-of. feats, and one muscular, fiercely mus-tached and bearded young man, whose artistic forte \yas battle-pieces of the most sanguinary description, appropriated him bodily and set him on his shoulder, greatly to the detriment of his paper collar.

So li'l' black Mose he heft up dat pumpkin, an' de ghost he bend' down, an' li'l' black Mose he sot dat pumpkin on dat ghostses neck. An' right off dat pumpkin head 'gin' to wink an' blink like a jack-o'-lantern, an' right off dat pumpkin head 'gin' to glimmer an' glow frough de mouf like a jack-o'-lantern, an' right off dat ghost start' to speak. Yas, sah, dass so.

"I hears thet yer wants a man ter drive yer old hearse on ther trail ter Last Chance and back." "I do." "I'm yer huckleberry." "You?" "Yas, me." "Are you a driver?" "Ef I wasn't I'd not be sich a durned fool as ter trust myself on a two-story hearse, pard." "Who sent you here?" "Nobody, for I hain't one ter be sent." "Where did you come from?"

An' so, when I received it, why, I jest come out here to meditate. You can see it from where you set, doctor. It's a purty sizeable one, and I'm mighty suspicious of it." The doctor cleared his throat. "Yas, I can see it, Enoch of co'se." "Could you jedge of it, doctor? That is, of its capabilities, I mean?" "Why, no, of co'se not not less'n I'd taste it, an' you can do that ez well ez I can.

Reckon she runs the kitchen all right. Anyways we's got white folks in the parlah, whah they allus orto be white folks." "Well, you ought to thank your friend what is his name Ducherd Decherd? Seems as though I had heard that name, below somewhere." "Yas, Mas' Henry 'Cherd. We does thank him. He sut'nly done fix us all up wid women-folks.

Now then, for wear an' tear of two precious souls an' bodies that's it! Fifty thousand more. Got it? Yas. How much now?" "One hundred and twenty-five thousand, one hundred dollars." "Right! What does a marble hall cost?" "A marble " "You heard what I said plain enough. You live in one yerself. What did that leetle shebang on Nob Hill cost ye?" "Four hundred thousand dollars." "Jiminy Christmas!