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But they're mostly a gradely lot of chaps. I've been picking 'em out for his lordship for t' last five yeers, and there isn't a Trade Unionist among 'em. We give good money here and we want good work and good faith, and if we don't get it, the man who doesn't give it has got to go and find another job.

And thus was the kingdome of Kent annexed to the kingdome of the Westsaxons, after the same kingdome had continued in gouernment of kings created of the same nation for the space of 382 yéers, that is to say, from the yéere of our Lord 464, vnto the yéere 827.

Let a man prove himsel' better than me, my laddie honester, humbler, kinder, wi' mair sense o' the duty o' man, an' the weakness o' man and that man I'll acknowledge that man's my king, my leader, though he war as stupid as Eppe Dalgleish, that could na count five on her fingers, and yet keepit her drucken father by her ain hands' labour for twenty-three yeers."

It has long been a mystery to me why he is retained in office." Here Dunn interrupted. "Sure it's yer master I'd obey and not yerself, an' I'd do what I'd plase with prisoners, and, it's his business and not yeers. If ye had yer way, sure you'd be makin' white men of every nigger that ye turned a key upon." "Give me none of your insolence," said the jailer. "You have no authority beyond my door.

Thar's them gol danged copper-colored guests uv ther government they're kickin' up three pints uv the'r rumpus, more or less consider'bly less of more than more o' less. Take a passel uv them barbarities an' shet 'em up inter a prison for three or thirteen yeers, an' ye'd see w'at an impression et'd make, now. Thar'd be siveral less massycrees a week, an' ye wouldn't see a rufyan onc't a month.

"Well, I had all ready except layin' the bait; so I crawled in, and was fixin' the green yeers and the 'lasses, when, jest at that moment, what shed I hear behind me but the `sniff' o' the bar! "I turned suddently to see. I had jest got my eye on the critter standin' right in the mouth o' his cave, when I feeled myself struck upon the buttocks, and flattened down to the airth like a pancake!

With this Edmund, surnamed Ironside, fell the glorious maiestie of the English kingdome, the which afterward as it had beene an aged bodie being sore decaied and weakened by the Danes, that now got possession of the whole, yet somewhat recouered after the space of 26 yéers vnder king Edward, surnamed the Confessor: and shortlie therevpon as it had béene falne into a resiluation, came to extreame ruine by the inuasion and conquest of the Normans: as after by Gods good helpe and fauorable assistance it shall appeare.

Upon Elizabeth Clarke's confessions five other women "the old beldam" Anne West, who had "been suspected as a witch many yeers since, and suffered imprisonment for the same," her daughter Rebecca, Anne Leech, her daughter Helen Clarke, and Elizabeth Gooding were arrested. As in the case of the first, there was soon abundance of evidence offered about them.

"Not more than I do," said Nott, glancing complacently at his pea-jacket. "He had rings on his yeers like a wench." Mr. Renshaw started. But seeing Nott's eyes fixed on him, he said lightly, "But what have these strange faces and this strange man probably only a Lascar sailor out of a job to do with Ferrières?" "Friends o' his feller furrin citizens spies on Rosey, don't you see?

"Nebber fear, mass' Edwad, always get nuff to eat; no fear for dat. Da poor runaway hab some friend on de plantations. Beside he steal nuff to keep 'im 'live hya! hya!" "Oh!" "Gabr'l no need steal now, 'ceptin' de roasting yeers and de millyuns. See! what Zip fetch im! Zip come las night to de edge ob de woods an' fetch all dat plunder. But, mass', you 'skoose me. Forgot you am hungry.