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They took the boasting of Offutt as a direct challenge to themselves and eagerly accepted it. So they put up a giant by the name of Jack Armstrong as their champion and arranged a "wrastling" match. All went indifferently for a while until Lincoln seemed to be getting the better of his antagonist, when the "boys" crowded in and interfered while Armstrong attempted a foul.

Go home, and tell Dyce to give you some catnip tea, and tie you to a chair," laughed Mr. Churchill. "You'll laugh t'other side of your mouth, Mars Alfred, when you see that awful sight up yonder. Ole Marster has come back, to clare the name of his grandchile, for he and his murderer is a wrastling, and it ain't no 'oman, it's a man! A tall, pretty man, with beard on his face." Mr.

"The very thing!" thought the wily giant, for it wasn't likely the Trojans knew anything about it, and even if they did, they were only little bits of chaps compared with himself and the other giants. So, after a time, he proposed to Brutus that they should settle matters by "a scat to wrastling," the best man, of course, to have the country.

Denton was so proud of his clerk that he could not help boasting. "Abe is the smartest man in the United States," he said. "Yes, and he can beat any man in the country running, jumping, or wrastling." A bunch of young roughnecks lived a few miles away in another settlement called Clary Grove. "That Denton Offut talks too much with his mouth," they said angrily.

It happens I made that stain myself on the round-up onct when we were wrastling and I knocked the coffeepot over." Keller looked at his friend gravely. "It was Phil Sanderson's hat?" Yeager nodded assent. "He must have loaned his old hat to Spiker for the holdup." "You didn't turn the hat over to the sheriff?" "Not so as you could notice it.

"Ain't I glad you've come, 'Siah! We got most of the work done; we're goin' to get lots of nice ashes, too. We're goin' ter have races and a wrastling match after dinner." "Hullo! who's this?" said 'Siah, pointing across the clearing. Enoch turned to see the Indian youth, Crow Wing, striding up from the water's edge.

"Yes," I said, "but one time it was a dog-fall, and Lem Marks says that Malan slipped the other time." "But he didn't slip," put in Jud. "He tried to lift me, an' I knee-locked him. Then I could a throwed him if he'd been as big as a Polled-Angus heifer." "Was you wrastling back-holts or breeches-holts?" asked old Simon, getting up from his chair. "Back-holts," replied Jud.

I remember "wrastling" with him for hours over a little Blake poem which he had learned by heart, to say to his mother: "When the voices of children are heard on the green, And laughing is heard on the hill, My heart is at rest within my breast, And everything else is still.

Put up a bit of a prayer," whispered Grannie to her husband; and Cæsar took a pinch of snuff out of his waistcoat pocket, and fell to "wrastling with the Lord." Bridget seemed to be comforted. "I see the jasper gates," she panted, fixing her hazy eyes on the scraas under the thatch, from which broken spiders' webs hung down like rats' tails. Then she called for Pete. She had something to give him.

She reminded her father that Butler had not "his experience of the auld and wrastling times, when folk were gifted wi' a far look into eternity, to make up for the oppressions whilk they suffered here below in time.