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Waltham. 'Ah! you think not? 'I am quite sure he said that unconsciously, the lady remarked to herself. 'He's thinking of some quite different affair. 'Mr. Eldon, the clergyman resumed, fixing upon her an absent eye, 'is Mr. Mutimer's son-in-law, I understand? 'His brother, Mr. Godfrey Eldon, was. Mrs. Waltham corrected. 'Ah! the one that died? He said it questioningly; then added

Waltham had a slight cold; it kept her close by the fireside, and encouraged confidential talk. 'I have decided to invite about twenty people to lunch, Richard said. 'Just the members of the committee and a few others. It'll be better than giving a dinner. Westlake's lecture will be over by four o'clock, and that allows people to get away in good time.

I refer to these manifold dispatches, detailing the latest news of the Liverpool cotton-market, by the fraudulent possession of which on the part of somebody, a client of mine, Captain Grant of Waltham, was cheated out of a small fortune. Perhaps Mr. Dartmouth knows who went to Waltham one morning to close a bargain before the telegraph-news should transpire.

A fraternity of plunderers, thirty in number according to the lowest estimate, squatted, near Waltham Cross, under the shades of Epping Forest, and built themselves huts, from which they sallied forth with sword and pistol to bid passengers stand. The King and Tallard were doubtless too well attended to be in jeopardy.

It occurred to him once at dinner time that there were sundry delicacies which he knew by name but had never tasted; forthwith he gave orders that these delicacies should be supplied to him, and so there appeared upon his breakfast table a pate de foie gras. Very similar in kind was his desire to possess Adela Waltham.

Alfred turned his head aside uneasily, and was a trifle ruddy in the cheeks when at length he regained his liberty. 'By-the-by, he remarked to his mother when he had seated himself, with crossed legs, 'Eldon has turned up at last. He passed us in a cab, or so Adela said. I didn't catch a glimpse of the individual. 'Really! exclaimed Mrs. Waltham. 'He was coming from Agworth station?

'I really cannot promise, mother, to give special attention to Mr. Mutimer's hands. Mrs. Waltham glanced at the girl, who had laid down a book she was trying to read, and, with lowered eyes, seemed to be collecting herself for further utterance. 'Why are you so prejudiced, Adela? 'I am not prejudiced at all. I have no interest of any kind in Mr. Mutimer.

But Harold's mother was urgent in her lamentations and her prayers: the Conqueror relented: like Achilles, he gave up the dead body of his fallen foe to a parent's supplications; and the remains of King Harold were deposited with regal honours in Waltham Abbey. On Christmas day of the same year, William the Conqueror was crowned at London, King of England. Reign of William the Conqueror.

"Then, do you remember our pleasant walks to Enfield, and Potter's bar, and Waltham, when we had a holiday holidays and all other fun are gone now we are rich and the little handbasket in which I used to deposit our day's fare of savory cold lamb and salad and how you would pry about at noon-tide for some decent house, where we might go in and produce our store only paying for the ale that you must call for and speculate upon the looks of the landlady, and whether she was likely to allow us a tablecloth and wish for such another honest hostess as Izaak Walton has described many a one on the pleasant banks of the Lea, when he went a fishing and sometimes they would prove obliging enough, and sometimes they would look grudgingly upon us but we had cheerful looks still for one another, and would eat our plain food savorily, scarcely grudging Piscator his Trout Hall?

Already he pictured himself lying cold and stark in the streets of Waltham with a sword-wound through his middle. His face went grey and his lips trembled. Then Galliard spoke at last, and the mildness of his tone filled Kenneth with a new dread. In his experience of Crispin's ways he had come to look upon mildness as the man's most dangerous phase: "You are mistaken," Crispin said.