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Before ye offer him that five dollars a week ye better get on the other side of big John there, where ye'll be safe, and holler it at him over them trunks, or ye'll find yourself flat on your back." "All right, Kitty, all right! Don't git oxcited. I didn't mean nudding. I do just vat you say. I gif him more. Oh! Here you are! Mr. O'Day, vud you let me speak to you vun minute?

You vud never tink dot to see him. I got it in my little office, behind dot partition, in a drawer. You come along. To-morrow is New Year's" here he glanced up the stairs to be sure that Masie was out of hearing "and I bought dat lace for a present for my little girl vat you saw joost now she loves dem old tings. She has got more as a vardrobe full of dem. Vait till I untie it. Look!

It appeared that Duncan had told the same gambling story to Mr. Gross, who seemed to be dreadfully shocked at the affair. "Py gracious," said he excitedly, "I hafe knowed dot boy ven I sold cloding in Des Moines, more as fife years ago, and so help me Moses I did nefer belief he vud do such a ting loike dot."

Suppose dot I ask you to come into my shop as a clerk, like, and pay you vat I can of course, you are new und it vill take some time, but I can pay sometings vud you come?" O'Day gave an involuntary start and from under his heavy brows there shot a keen, questioning glance. "What would you want me to do?" he asked evenly.

"Only I picked it up out there after Moylan was killed, and discovered by some writing on the flap that it originally belonged to a friend of mine. I was curious to learn how it got into your hands." The trader shrugged his shoulders. "Vud it be worth a drink?" he asked cannily. "Of course. Frank, give Kaplan whatever he wants. Now, fire away."

Ve cum here from ze Barbadoes," he explained brokenly "wiz cane-sugar, an' hides. Ve vait here for our agent." "But why anchor in a place like this? Why not go on up to the wharfs?" "Vye not? For ziz I no trust my crew ashore. Zay Vest Indy niggers, an' vud run avay ven ze chance cum. I know vat zay do."

"But that Mumpson's hawfully haggravatin', master, as ye know yeself, hi'm a-thinkin'. Vud ye jis tell a body vat she is 'here, han 'ow hi'm to get hon vith 'er. Hif hi'm to take me horders from 'er, hi'd ruther go back to the poor-'us." "You are to take your orders from me and no one else. All I ask is that you go on quietly with your work and pay no attention to her.