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She is gracious, while they are just good-natured! Aunt Ada was evidently pleased with the graciousness, and highly delighted to have to take this distinguished personage to church. Mysie was with her sisters, Valetta was extremely anxious to take her to the Sunday drawing-room class -whether for the sake of showing her to Mrs. Hablot, or Mrs. Hablot to her, did not appear.

Valetta and Fergus were harmless without them, but they were forlorn, being so much used to having their sports led by their two seniors that they hardly knew what to do without them, and the entreaty, or rather the whine, 'I want something to do, was heard unusually often.

Valetta's birthday was on the 28th of December and the tree was to be lighted on the ensuing evening for G.F.S. Moreover, the party would go to Rockstone as soon as an appointment could be made with Miss Mohun, to make selections at a great German fancy shop, recently opened there, and in full glory; and the Hacket sisters were invited to join the party, starting at a quarter to eight, and returning at a few minutes after seven, the element of darkness at each end only adding to the charm in the eyes of the children, and Valetta, with a little leap, repeated that it would be a real secret expedition.

McKay was in His tent next morning finishing dressing when his servant brought him a piece of crumpled paper and said there was a messenger waiting to see him. The paper was the pass given the day before to Valetta Joe; its bearer was a nondescript-looking ruffian, in a long shaggy cloak of camel's hair, whose open throat and bare legs hinted at a great scantiness of wardrobe beneath.

'Hurrah! cried Wilfred and Fergus, to whom this was an immense additional pleasure. The girls turned away into the lane, Valetta indulging in an outrageous grumble. 'Why should Dolores have come out to spoil everything? Dolores did not speak. 'Just our one chance, sighed Mysie, 'and perhaps we should have seen the fox. 'We may do that yet, said Gillian; 'he may come this way.

Oh, mamma, do let it be the Christmas-tree. It is quite well. We've been to look at it. 'Christmas-trees have got so stale, Val, said Gillian. 'Rot! put in Jasper. 'Oh, please, please, mamma, implored Valetta, 'please let it be the dear old Christmas-tree! You said I should choose because it will be my birthday. 'There is no need to whine, Val; you shall have your tree.

"Why did you not let me know you were coming?" he asked desperately. "I had no time," she answered, with a singular shortness, for she could not tell him that a letter from Mrs. Harrington to her mother- -the companion to that received by Luke at Valetta had brought about this sudden decision. She could not tell him that, egged on by a transparent hint from Mrs.

Sir Alexander Ball related to me the circumstances which occasioned the escape of the other; but I do not recollect them with sufficient accuracy to dare repeat them in this place. On the 15th of September following, the capitulation was signed, and after a blockade of two years the English obtained possession of Valetta, and remained masters of the whole island and its dependencies.

In four days the holds were emptied and she sailed from the Piraeus on the fifth with 180 tons of sand ballast aboard. In five days from leaving Athens she arrived in the beautiful harbour of Valetta, and four days after left again with a full cargo of foods, stores and other supplies for Constantinople for orders.

This was, that, instead of the Mermaid having to act for some months as jackal to the eastern division of the fleet, as had been intended when we were commissioned, we were now ordered to pass up the Mediterranean and proceed on through to the Red Sea, the cruiser which we had been hurriedly despatched to relieve on account of her condenser being cracked, having had her damages made good in the dockyard, the Merlin indeed lying out in French Creek all ready to return to her station within forty-eight hours of our arrival at Valetta.