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On with the war, then. One morning I was wakened by much talking and movement all over the boat, and by Doe's leaping out of his top bunk, kicking me in passing, and disappearing through the cabin door. Back he came in a minute, crying: "You must come out and see this lovely, white dream-city. We're outside Malta." I rushed out to find Valetta, the grand harbour of Malta, on three sides of us.

A French fleet had appeared off Valetta in the month of March in the hope of effecting a surprise; but the admiral, Brueys, judging the effort too hazardous, sent an awkward explanation, which only served to throw the knights into the arms of Russia. One of the chivalrous dreams of the Czar Paul was that of spreading his influence in the Mediterranean by a treaty with this Order.

It was not an amusement that Aunt Ada could attempt, but Miss Mohun took both her nieces, to the extreme pride and delight of Valetta, who had never been, as she said, 'to any evening thing but just stupid childish things, only trees and magic-lanterns'; and would not quite believe Gillian, who assured her in a sage tone that she would find this far less entertaining than either, judging by the manner in which she was wont to vituperate her music lesson.

'She says, explained Gillian, 'by that time one ought to be old enough to discriminate between the lawfulness of killing the creatures for the sake of studying their beauty and learning them, and the mere wanton amusement of hunting them down under the excuse of collecting. 'I say, exclaimed Valetta, who had been exploring above, 'here is such a funny old house.

The natives of Valetta have not all become reconciled to British rule, and although no open outbreak occurs, more than once has it been placed in evidence that there is a deep feeling of resentful distrust in certain quarters, which only awaits an opportunity to show its ugly teeth. Knowing this fact, it is general principles more than anything else that causes Philander to have concern.

However, in about a quarter of an hour there was a ring at the door, and in another moment Mysie and Gillian were hugging one smother, Valetta hanging round Mysie's neck, Fergus pulling down her arm.

I should be very glad to have her with Phyllis altogether, and so would Rotherwood. But she was very young when Sir Jasper retired. 'And Valetta was younger. Poor little girl! She was naughty, but I do not think she understood the harm of what she was doing. Lady Rotherwood smiled.

"But I thought Valetta would be sure to be my bridesmaid. Such friends as we were at the High School!" It did not strike Miss Mohun that the friendship had been very close or very beneficial; but Adeline added, "We thought she would pair so well with Vera Prescott, and then uncle will give all the dresses white silk with cerise trimmings. We ordered them in Paris."

Mysie coloured and answered, 'I don't know; I saw the Fitzhughs look at me at first as if they did not think I belonged, and Ivinghoe was always so awfully polite that I thought he was laughing at me. 'Ivinghoe must be horrid, broke out Valetta. 'The Fitzhughs said they would knock it out of him at Eton, returned Mysie.

White is half a Greek, you know, said Aunt Jane, 'and the Greeks are said not to think enough about truth. 'Epaminondas did, said Valetta, who had picked up a good deal from the home atmosphere, 'but Ulysses didn't. 'No; and the Greeks have been enslaved and oppressed for a great many years, and that is apt to make people get cowardly and false.