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"You look very pretty to-night." "What a lot of people there are." "We are all so glad to be here." "Think hard and you will surely guess." All four answers were mumbled at once and poor Muriel was more confused than ever. "I think your costumes are delightful and it is great fun to have four unknown guests," Mrs. Grey said. "I shall be watching you all anxiously when the gong rings to unmask.

All were lies which death came to unmask, interrupting men's course on the pleasant path of their illusions, throwing them out of it with as much indifference as their feet had crushed and driven to flight the lines of ants which advanced amid the grass that was sowed with bony remains. Renovales was forced to flee. What was he doing there? What did that deserted, empty spot of earth mean to him?

The stranger started, and first manifesting an intention to pass on quickly, he suddenly arrested the movement to reply. "This may be so or not. Unmask, that I may judge by thy countenance if what thou sayest be true."

They'll be gone in a moment." He drew her farther back into the shadows. "If you don't take me home," continued the girl in the cedar cave, "I'll ask some one else to. I certainly shall not stay until supper and have to unmask. I dare not." "Just as you like," was the cool response. "And I risked it all for you spoiled my entire evening. I'll know better next time!"

But instead of a direct answer to so important a question, Jones began to be very importunate with the lady to unmask; and at length having prevailed, there appeared not Mrs Fitzpatrick, but the Lady Bellaston herself. It would be tedious to give the particular conversation, which consisted of very common and ordinary occurrences, and which lasted from two till six o'clock in the morning.

But, pausing as in the act to strike: "No!" he added, with fearful calmness. "It would be to soil my hands." He turned towards Rodin, who had approached hastily, as if to interpose. "It is not worth while chastising a wretch," said M. Hardy; "But I will press your honest hand, sir for you have had the courage to unmask a traitor and a coward."

For the moment, the English mind, bending in a surprised deference to the stormy assault of the enthusiasts of the new school, partly carried away by its characteristic admiration of the heroism of their attack and the fiery eloquence of their champion, Ruskin, and perhaps not quite assured of its final effect, forgets to unmask its terrible artillery.

It seemed to her as they sat face to face that this flight of wasted time had made her still younger, and Rosas, notwithstanding his cold demeanor, allowed his former passion to be divined: the women one loves unmask one's secret before a man can himself explain what he feels. She felt a profound, sincere joy.

It almost swept him from his feet, and to save himself he must perforce abandon himself to the impetus. Thus he was swirled away across the floor of the amphitheatre, helpless as a swimmer in strong waters, and with the fear of the drowning clutching now at his heart. He had an impulse to unmask, proclaim himself, and compel the respect that was his due.

If she truly loved him... But by his own act he had placed himself forever beyond the joy of her love. He could never accept it, desire it as passionately as he might and did. He could never consent to drag her down to his base level... To-morrow no, to-night, that very night, he would unmask himself, declare his character to them all, pillory himself that all might see how low a man could fall.