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I may not unmask, however; and as there seemeth little probability of our coming to an understanding, I will go my way. A most happy night to thee." "Cospetto! Signore, you are far too quick in your ideas and movements for one little used to negotiations of this sort. Here is a ring whose signet may help us to understand each other."

"Through an old friend whom I persuaded to trace out your whole career," was the reply. "I could have forgiven my wrongs at your hands, but when you saw fit to attack that inoffensive girl, I determined to unmask you." "And much good may it do you," was the cool rejoinder. "I am tired of this monotonous existence, and had already decided soon to leave this humdrum village.

I wish I knew more things about him; what I do know shows me plainly enough the sort of man he is; but with these guileless young things it seems as though one had to unmask wickedness very thoroughly before they will believe that it is anything but gossip or misrepresentation. He has gone away for a six weeks' vacation; I don't know where, nor does Dr. Dennis.

She began to cry again. "Norman, dear old Norman, who has been more like a brother to me than any one I have ever known, and whom I would give the world to bring back happiness to." "He is a scoundrel!" exclaimed Keith. "I have stood all more than I ever expected to stand from any man living; but if he is attacking women" he was speaking to himself rather than to her "I will unmask him.

"I will not be trifled with in this way. Either speak English, or unmask at once." The mask again answered in Italian, with a repeated apology for not understanding. "You understand very well," retorted Lily, now really indignant, "and you know that this passes a jest." "Can you speak German?" asked the mask in that tongue. "Yes, a little, but I do not choose to speak it.

"Nothing has been touched since I was here last," said he, as if to himself; then, turning to Ali, he added: "Unmask the entrance to the grottoes!"

But your country is watching out for those 'enemies within, who are more to be feared than those without; and, if I were you, Mary Louise, I'd allow the proper officials to unmask the traitor, as they are sure to do in time. This war has placed other opportunities in your path to prove your usefulness to your country, as you have already demonstrated. Is it not so?" Mary Louise sighed.

"This is no place to unmask, friend, even though we only wear our disguises in pleasantry. Tarry here, and at my return I will conduct thee to a more fitting spot." The words were scarcely uttered when Gino found himself standing in the middle of the court alone. The masked stranger had passed swiftly on, and was at the bottom of the Giant's Stairs ere the gondolier had time for reflection.

In those times, during the carnival, masked companies had a right to join the citizens' balls; it was sufficient that one of the party should unmask and name himself.

He said to me, quickly, placing a rouleau in my hand, 'Your father will be arrested early to-morrow morning; here is the money; as soon as it is day run to his house. It is only to-day I have found out Ferrand; he is a bad man; I will unmask him. Do not, above all, say that you have this money from me. And M. Germain, not giving me time to thank him, descended the stairs quickly."