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Updated: January 13, 2025
Meanwhile Lilia prided herself on her high personal standard, and Gino simply wondered why she did not come round. He hated discomfort and yearned for sympathy, but shrank from mentioning his difficulties in the town in case they were put down to his own incompetence. Spiridione was told, and replied in a philosophical but not very helpful letter.
Gino, who, as superior over his fellow, stood perched on the little arched deck in the stern, pushed his oar with accustomed readiness and skill, now causing the light vessel to sheer to the right, and now to the left, as it glided among the multitude of craft, of all sizes and uses, which it met in its passage.
Gino wrote in his own language, but the solicitors had sent a laborious English translation, where "Preghiatissima Signora" was rendered as "Most Praiseworthy Madam," and every delicate compliment and superlative superlatives are delicate in Italian would have felled an ox.
There is going to be such a row in this town that you and he'll be sorry you came to it. I shall shrink from nothing, for my blood is up. It is unwise of you to laugh. I forbid you to marry Carella, and I shall tell him so now." "Do," she cried. "Tell him so now. Have it out with him. Gino! Gino! Come in! Avanti! Fra Filippo forbids the banns!"
It was clear that she had gone prepared for an interview with Gino, and finding him out, she had yielded to a grotesque temptation. But how far this was the result of ill-temper, to what extent she had been fortified by her religion, when and how she had met the poor idiot these questions were never answered, nor did they interest Philip greatly.
On the following morning the papers announced three new arrests in the Donnelly case, resulting from a confession by Gino Cressi. On the afternoon of the same day the friendly and influential Caesar Maruffi called upon Blake with a protest. "Signore, my friend," he began, "you and your Committee are doing a great injustice to the Italians of this city." "How so?" "Already everybody hates us.
If the old fellow wants to be married, he will marry some other girl if not this one. Girls are plenty enough," said a third. "Ay, but not such girls as La Bianca what a lovely creature she was! I don't wonder at the Marchese being caught by her, for my part, seeing her every day as he did," remarked a fourth. "Bah, girls are plenty enough, as Gino said, and pretty girls too.
"Zitto, zitto! that has been, caro mio, is a great word with all Italy. Thou art as proud of the past as a Roman of the Trastevere." "And the Roman of the Trastevere is right. Is it nothing, Stefano Milano, to be descended from a great and victorious people?" "It is better, Gino Monaldi, to be one of a people which is great and victorious just now.
Suddenly he heard his name called in the familiar alto, and there was Lucia in her Shakespeare's garden. "Georgino! Georgino mio!" she cried. "Gino!" Out of mere habit Georgie got down from his stile, and tripped up the road towards her. The manly seething of his soul's insurrection rebuked him, but unfortunately his legs and his voice surrendered. Habit was strong.... "Amica!" he answered.
from his blue silk tie. Cree read and wrinkled her nose. "That's Gino, all right. I think he's happy in the Maine woods. His relationship is good. He doesn't make any money, but what else is new?" She shook her head. "Well, we got Bart made, anyway." "Go, Bart!" Willow said. "So, how's your business?" "Every time I think it's going to die, it surprises me and comes back to life."
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