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Like as not a feller'd never come out alive." "Well, better men than we have died," said Mr. Bonner tranquilly. "Come on; I'll go in first. It's all tommy-rot about the place being haunted. In any event, ghosts don't monkey around at this time of day. It's hardly dusk." "But, gosh dern it," exploded Anderson Crow, "we seen it!" "I seen it first," said Isaac Porter proudly.

"No, Jack," Breen continued, gathering up a mass of letters and jamming them into a pigeon-hole in front of him, as if the whole matter was set forth in their pages and he was through with it forever. "No I guess I'll pass on that ten thousand-dollar loan. I am sorry, but A. B. & Co, haven't any shekels for that kind of tommy-rot.

Sara regarded him steadily. "There are but four people who know the truth," she said slowly. "It isn't likely that Hetty or Brandon will tell the story. Professional honour forbids your doing so. That leaves me as the sole peril. Is that what you would imply, my dear friend?" "Not at all," he cried hastily, "not at all. "That's all tommy-rot, Sara," cried Booth earnestly.

All this tommy-rot about Bobby and me wouldn't exist if that wretched Chase man had been a little more affable. He never noticed us until you came. No wife to snoop after him and why, my dear, he would have been ideal." "It's all very nice, Agnes, but you forget your husband," said Genevra, with a tolerant smile. "Deppy? Oh, my dear," and she laughed gaily once more. "Deppy doesn't mind.

"I'm going to the devil. I'm sacrificing all my principles. That's what this mixing with swell people and trying to marry a fashionable lady is doing for me!" "You're broadening out, you mean. You're losing your taste for tommy-rot." "Not at all," said Craig surlily and stubbornly. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to see the girl to-day and put the whole case before her.

Martha laid aside her knitting and did her utmost to give her smile of welcome an air of graciousness. "I shouldn't call it tommy-rot," Elsa declared. "It was not chance. It was pluck and foresight. Men who possess those two attributes get about everything worth having." "There are exceptions," studying the ferrule of his cane. "Is there really anything you want now and can't have?"

"Tommy-rot!" said the amiable old gentleman. "Uncle, his hair is too short for an anarchist." "And his collar too immaculate." "We are obliged to disguise ourselves at times," I explained. "The police are always meddling. It is discouraging." "You have some purpose, humorous or serious," said the girl shrewdly. "A man does not bring a pack of cards " "I didn't bring them; I sent out for them."

"Look here!" he said presently, "let's settle it and have done with this damned sentimental tommy-rot. I'll tell you what I'll do I'll give you the job and take my chance. The boss might want another man to-morrow. Now, are you satisfied?" But Swampy didn't look grateful or happy. "Well," growled Brummy, "of all the I ever travelled with you're the . What do you want anyway? What'll satisfy you?

He had a big head with consider'ble hair on the top of it and nothin' underneath but what he called 'science' and 'sociology. His science wa'n't nothin' but tommy-rot to Nate, and the 'sociology' was some kind of drivel about everybody bein' equal to everybody else, or better. 'Seemed to think 'twas wrong to get a good price for a thing when you found a feller soft enough to pay it.

"But I say," protested the Queen's Messenger, shaking his finger, violently, at the Solicitor, "that story won't do. You didn't play fair and and you talked so fast I couldn't make out what it was all about. I'll bet you that evidence wouldn't hold in a court of law you couldn't hang a cat on such evidence. Your story is condemned tommy-rot.