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Faintly to the vault the sound of the high-pitched barking penetrated. Kerry tensed his muscles and groaned impotently feeling his heart beating like a hammer in his breast. Complete silence reigned in the outer room. Sin Sin Wa never stirred. Again the dog barked, then: "Hello, hello!" shrieked the raven shrilly. "Number one p'lice chop, lo! Sin Sin Wa! Sin Sin Wa!"

His eyes, like the girl's, were watchfully bent upon the gloom-filled angle which Terry must negotiate before the way straightened out again before her. Her headlights cut through the shadows; Terry's little body stiffened a bit and her hands tensed on her wheel; her flying speed was lessened an almost negligible trifle; she made the turn and opened the throttle. Steve nodded approvingly.

But she felt the rigidity going out of his tensed body, and she knew that spirit and flesh were relaxing together. His resolution was ebbing. He would not speak she knew it; and she knew, likewise, with the sureness of faith, that it was because he could not. She gazed despairingly before her, a numb feeling at her heart, as though hope and happiness had died.

His head ached with dull persistence, the pain fostered in some way by his own bewilderment. To study the land ahead was like trying to see through one picture interposed over another and far different one. He knew what ought to be there, but what was before him was very dissimilar. A buff-gray shape flitted through the tall cover grass, and Travis tensed. Mba'a coyote?

"Watch it," Scotty said from the corner of his mouth. Rick casually got his feet under him and tensed. Scotty's eyes opened wide and he choked, "Inspector!" The Sudanese whirled, Sten gun ready, and the boys left their chairs in a bound. Rick dove for the thief's knees while Scotty smashed straight into him like a battering ram.

What I wish to point out is this: that to any situation all three reactions may take place and modify one another. We are insulted some one slaps our face the fierce emotion of anger arises and through us surge waves of feeling manifested on the motor side by tensed muscles, rapid heart, harsh breathing, perhaps a general reddening of face and eyes.

I had seen him start when a little girl of distinctive expression was called to the stage to receive her book. She sat with her mother and putative father, and their other children. When I first saw her, I pulled his arm. "Bemis," I said, "for heaven's sake, look at that girl!" He looked, and his face tensed, growing ashen white. "She's the image of you, Bemis," I pursued.

Of a sudden out walked Ole Curiosity, lookin' as big as a house, with circlin' horns three feet long. The ole feller jumped last; and jest as he jumped I rode out of the woods." Ed eyed the circle of eager faces; his listeners tensed and leaned forward breathlessly. Then he continued: "When the ole ram was about halfway down he seen me. An' what do you reckon he did?"

Two bare-legged boys of eight or nine in some minor way broke some rule of the camp what it was I did not know; and a man who lay beside me suddenly sat up and called to them. He was chief of the tribe, a man with narrow forehead and narrow-slitted eyes, whose thin lips and twisted sardonic features explained why the two boys jumped and tensed like startled deer at the sound of his voice.

Hollis tensed himself for the clash, rapidly measuring the distance, and when Yuma came close enough caught him squarely on the side of the jaw with a vicious right swing. But in some manner when Hollis stepped aside to avoid Yuma's knife, his feet had become entangled with the legs of the table that Yuma had previously overturned.