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"Indade, an' to be sure she's too big an' too handsome a pussy to be after wastin' her time on them little bastes. It's that little tarrier dog of yours, Mrs. Hopkins, that will be after worryin' the mice an' the rats, an' the thaves too, I 'll warrant. Is n't he a fust-rate-lookin' watch-dog, an' a rig'ler rat-hound?" Mrs.

Having wrestled with philosophy until Foxy yawned again, Hazel went in to try her proposition on Abel. But Abel met it as the world in general usually meets a new truth. 'She took the chick, he said. 'Now, would a tarrier do that a well-trained tarrier? I says 'e would not' 'But it inna fair to make the same law for foxes and terriers. 'I make what laws suit me, said Abel.

"He'll starve 'em to death," broke in Wiley, instantly. "I know the old tarrier well. You give 'em to me, Virginia, and I swear I'll take care of 'em just the same as I would of you." "Oh," smiled Virginia, and then she gave him her hand and the old hatred died out in her eyes. "That's good of you, Wiley, and I certainly appreciate it; because no one would trust them with Charley.

"He had a red cap on his head, his beard hadn't been cut since last sheep shearin', and he looked as hairy as a tarrier; his shirt collar, 'which was of yaller flannel, fell on his shoulders loose, and a black hankercher was tied round his neck, slack like a sailor's.

Wade," he resumed, "we was about sick of putty-heads and sneaks that didn't know enough or didn't dare to make us stand round and bone in. You walked in, b'ilin' over with grit. You took hold as if you belonged here. You made things jump like a two-headed tarrier. All we wanted was a live man, to say, 'Here, boys, all together now! You've got your stint, and I've got mine.

Now, it beats my notion all to pieces to see how Mr. Greville could talk so pleasantly and gentlemanly to that dratted Montfort, and he flyin' into his face all the time like a tarrier dog. I'd a punched his head for him, I would if they'd had me up afore the Sessions for saltin' and batterin'. Consequently it's better to be a pictur' framer than a pictur' painter.

Some police officers pushed in and ordered the engineer to "back away." "An' what's it to ye?" asked Greene with contempt, for he hated the very buttons of a policeman. "It's no funeral uf yours. Ye won't grudge me a few moments with me friend, will ye? Move on ye tarrier." The big policeman glanced about and recognizing the foreman asked why the devil he didn't "git th' felly out?"

"Who should know it better nor me? The lad's well-nigh lived i' my house ever sence he was no higher 'n my elber. Know his character? Ah! Should think I did an' all. The cliverest lad of his hands and the best of his feet for twenty mile around as full o' pluck as a tarrier an' as kindly-hearted as a wench. Bar his Uncle Ezra, theer niver was a mon to match him in Heydon Hay i' my time.

Leather Stocking Tales. Three Tickets. Four Boxing Gloves. Eight Tickets. One bull tarrier dog and collar he fought Len Fogerty's dog bit him all up and father sent him away." "I remember him," said Mr. Hawtry, "a well-bred beast but a holy terror, go on dear." "One Byccle. Three Tickets. Stanley's Darkest Africa two books but not very new. One printing press. Two Tickets. Treasure Island.

Sure, ye'r more surprised to see 'im leppin' down the hill to meet ye, like a rale Irish tarrier." Mac was angry, and didn't conceal the fact. As he ran to stop the thing before it should be dashed to pieces, the priest happened to glance back, and saw coming slowly along the river trail a solitary figure that seemed to make its way with difficulty.