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Not strickly as the Law goes, but we've fed upon 'em like, in a manner of speaking, from the beginning, or nigh upon it. Little Dave, he's sort of kept me a-going from the early days, afore we buried his poor father my brother David, you see. He died down this same Court, four year back, afore little Dolly was good for much, to look at.... They all right, M'riar?"

Brimberly sighed, and soothed a slightly agitated whisker. "Why, yes," he admitted, "I'm afraid 'e does box but only as a ammitoor, Mr. Stevens, strickly as a ammitoor, understand!" "And he's out making a night of it, is 'e?" enquired Mr. Stevens, leaning back luxuriously and stretching his legs. "Bit of a rip, ain't 'e?" "A wot, sir?" enquired Mr. Brimberly with raised brows.

Why, Mars Tom, in de fust place he ain't a bird, strickly speakin' " "He ain't a bird, eh? Well, then, what is he?" "I don't rightly know, Mars Tom, but I speck he's only jist a' animal. No, I reckon dat won't do, nuther, he ain't big enough for a' animal. He mus' be a bug. Yassir, dat's what he is, he's a bug." "I bet he ain't, but let it go. What's your second place?"

Her velvet tarn sat jauntily on those wonderful yellow curls, and her modern cape flew gracefully out, just showing the least fold of her best chiffon blouse. Dagmar wore strickly American clothes, selected in rather good taste, and they attracted much attention in the streets of Flosston.

"You and no other. I don't mind telling 'ee I've been through a fire of temptation. You know why I jumped into that boat: it vexed you a bit, I dare say. And strickly speakin', mind you" Billy took his friend by the button-hole "strickly speakin' I'd the right on my side. 'Let the best man win' was our agreement.

"'An' you can gamble all the wolves you'll ever kill an' skin, says Doc Peets, as he asks Coyote to forgive an' forget, 'that this yere is the last time I embarks in jests of a practical character or gives way to humour other than the strickly oral kind. Barkeep, my venerated friend, yere will have a glass of water; but you give me Valley Tan." Long Ago on the Rio Grande.

Martha paused, regarding him and his question with due concern. "Tell?" "Are y-you going to t-tell on me, t-to ev-everybody? Are y-you going to t-tell S-Sammy?" "Shoor I'm not! I'm a perfect lady! I always keep such little affairs with my gen'lemen friends strickly confidential. Besides Sammy has troubles of his own."

Nothin' happened for quite a bit after that, an' I was just about beginnin' to feel satisfied that the Germ bird 'ad run into a streak o' air that our anti-aircraft guns kept strickly preserved an' that they'd served a Trespassers-will-be-Spiflicated notice on 'im an' had punctured him an' his wings.

She sed nothin, and for five minutes the only live thing in that room was a old wooden clock, which tickt in a subdood and bashful manner in the corner. This dethly stillness made me oneasy, and I determined to talk to the female or bust. So sez I, "marrige is agin your rules, I bleeve, marm?" "Yay." "The sexes liv strickly apart, I spect?" "Yay." "I don't like men!" she sed, very short.

You know how a woman is with anything hurt or sick; they're the same the world over. A right strickly wise married man would have everything broke except his pocket-book, an' then he'd be sure o' lots of pettin'. They allus want to spoil a feller when he's on the flat of his back.