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"What can a woman do with a knife? Worse than a cat she scratches, and runs away." "Some little jealousy," observed another. "Eh! Sor Tommaso who knows where he makes love? But meanwhile he is growing old, to be so gay." "The old are the worst," replied the first speaker. "Since it is nothing, let us have a baiocco's worth of acquavita, and let us go away."

Morgan and 'ere's your 'ealth and I 'appened to 'ave on some of Clavering's abberdashery, and he sor it too: and he didn't dare so much as speak a word." "How about the house in St. John's Wood?" Mr. Morgan asked. "Execution in it. Sold up heverythin: ponies, and pianna, and brougham, and all. Mrs. Montague were hoff to Boulogne, non est inwentus, Mr. Morgan.

There was a sore bad lump on me head see ut, sor? an' the whole warl' was shpinnin' roun' rampageous. The things out av me pockuts were lyin' on the flure by me all barrin' the key av me room. So that the demons had been through me posseshins again, bad luck to 'em." "You are quite sure, are you, that everything was there except the key?" Hewitt asked. "Certin, sor?

"Well, sor, he had an old lady on his list two years ago that was always disputin' distances and goin' to law about her cab-fares. I picked her up one day in St. James Street and druv her to Kensington Gardens and charged her the rates, and she kicked and had me up before the magistrate, and this old ink-bottle appeared for her. She's rich and always in hot water.

"He'll hear you." "No matter if he does," rejoined Larkyns. "I suppose he knows he has got the Cork brogue strong enough to hang a cat-block from. Besides, he won't mind what I say." "Faix, that's thrue for yez, sor," muttered the corporal, who caught this remark as he was going out of the gunroom door, his ears being as sharp as those of a fox.

"Faith an' sure ye're awake at last!" exclaimed Corporal Macan when I opened my eyes, a minute or so after this, as I thought. "How d'ye fale now, sor?" "Hullo!" said I, raising my head and looking round me in astonishment. "Where am I?"

"I believe you are humbugging us," said Gashford. "Whisht, sor listen!" The breaking of twigs was heard faintly in the distance, and, a few moments later, the tramp, apparently, of a body of men. Presently dark forms were dimly seen to be advancing. "Now's your time, gineral! Give it 'em hot," whispered Flinders. "Ready! Present!

"Light a candle, if you can find one, and go." The cabby struck another match and applied it to a bit of candle he found on a hall table. As the light dissolved the dark, Wilson saw the taller man straighten before the anxious gaze of the driver. "Sacré, are you going?" exclaimed the stranger, impatiently. "Good night, sor." "Good night." The words were uttered like a command.

Favored by fortune in the matter of money, was this enviable person possessed of beauty as well? In the disposition of the beds, Miss de Sor was placed between Cecilia on the right hand, and Emily on the left.

I rejoined ruefully, for I knew there wouldn't be much left if the gunroom fellows had cleared out. "What did Doctor Nettleby say was the matter with me, eh?" "He s'id ye wor a comet, sor." "A comet?" I repeated, laughing. "You're making a mistake, corporal." "The divil a ha'porth, sor. He called ye that same." "Nonsense, man!" I said.