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The Italian ship had a crew of thirty men; nearly three times as many as the Alert, which was afterwards on the coast, and was of the same size; yet the Alert would get under weigh and come-to in half the time, and get two anchors, while they were all talking at once jabbering like a parcel of "Yahoos," and running about decks to find their cat-block.

The yards were then trimmed, the anchor weighed, the cat-block hooked on, the fall stretched out, manned by "all hands and the cook," and the anchor brought to the head with "cheerily men!" in full chorus. The ship being now under weigh, the light sails were set, one after another, and she was under full sail, before she had passed the sandy point.

This work was done in shorter time than was usual on board the brig; for though everything was more than twice as large and heavy, the cat-block being as much as a man could lift, and the chain as large as three of the Pilgrim's, yet there was a plenty of room to move about in, more discipline and system, more men, and more good will.

"He'll hear you." "No matter if he does," rejoined Larkyns. "I suppose he knows he has got the Cork brogue strong enough to hang a cat-block from. Besides, he won't mind what I say." "Faix, that's thrue for yez, sor," muttered the corporal, who caught this remark as he was going out of the gunroom door, his ears being as sharp as those of a fox.

The Italian ship had a crew of thirty men, nearly three times as many as the Alert, which was afterwards on the coast, and was of the same size; yet the Alert would get under way and come-to in half the time, and get two anchors, while they were all talking at once, jabbering like a parcel of ``Yahoos, and running about decks to find their cat-block.

The yards were then trimmed, the anchor weighed, the cat-block hooked on, the fall stretched out, manned by ``all hands and the cook, and the anchor brought to the head with ``cheerly, men! in full chorus. The ship being now under way, the light sails were set, one after another, and she was under full sail before she had passed the sandy point.

This work was done in shorter time than was usual on board the brig; for though everything was more than twice as large and heavy, the cat-block being as much as a man could lift, and the chain as large as three of the Pilgrim's, yet there was a plenty of room to move about in, more discipline and system, more men, and more good-will. Each seemed ambitious to do his best.

"I didn't know your mother when she was of your age, but I can see that one cat-block is not more like another than you are like what she was at your age; keep that likeness up, my dear, and then your father will be as happy and fortunate in his darter as he has been in his wife.

"All right, if there is nothing else, but I suppose it will be all bone and gristle, or as hard as a cat-block," replied Tommy; heaving a most portentous sigh of disappointment, though winking slily to me to show that he was only `putting all this on' to astonish the other fellows, who were gazing at him with open mouths in wonder at his assurance and grand seigneur manner.