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It was lucky that Deerslayer had given it a shove sufficiently vigorous to send it past the end of the point, ere it took this inclination, or it must have gone ashore again.

With a shove that sent Lem backward, she freed herself and peered over the side. Snatchet had come to the surface, and in his vain effort to reach the scow his small paws were making large watery rings, which contorted the reflection of the moon strangely.

Had you worn your armed boots, there might, indeed, have been something to fear; but with the deer-skin suitably prepared, a man may trust himself, generally, on rocks with safety. Shove in the canoe nigher to the land, Uncas; this sand will take a stamp as easily as the butter of the Jarmans on the Mohawk.

Amateur deep sea yachtsman before the war. He's awfully gone on Cecily." "'Counts for him hanging round your neck, I s'pose," commented the student of human nature. "Sort of 'dweller-near-the-rose' business. Heave that suit-case over unless you can find any more of your cousin's admirers sculling about the country. P'raps they'll load this truck for us and shove it to the boat. Ah, here's Podgie!"

"An' if it aint we may be able to shove it up by standing one box on top of another." This was tried, and after much difficulty the hatch was thrown to one side, and they crawled to the deck of the schooner. "I'm glad I am out of that!" ejaculated Dick. "But how it's raining! Let us go to the cabin for shelter."

The men took up the words at once, and, to this species of spoken chorus, "shove her along, push her through," the snaky coil was sent rattling over the pulley-wheels by the tank and along the wooden gutter prepared for it, to the paying-out wheel at the Chiltern's stern, whence it plunged down into the barge, where other experienced hands coiled it carefully round and round the entire deck.

"Lord, the first time I went to one o' these grand let offs I felt kinder skeery, and as nobody was allocated to me to take in, I goes in alone, not knowin' where I was to settle down as a squatter, and kinder lagged behind; when the butler comes and rams a napkin in my hand, and gives me a shove, and sais he, 'Go and stand behind your master, sir, sais he. Oh Solomon! how that waked me up.

Ned was dismayed and at a loss what to do, for the only way of breaking loose that he could see was to step ashore and shove off. He remained quiescent a moment or two, in the hope that the raft would loosen itself; but, as it did not, he sprang ashore for that purpose.

"Ready, behind there! Here's the father and mother of waves coming! Sit tight, rivets all!" A great sluicing comber thundered by, but through the scuffle and confusion the Steam could hear the low, quick cries of the ironwork as the various strains took them cries like these: "Easy, now easy! Now push for all your strength! Hold out! Give a fraction! Hold up! Pull in! Shove crossways!

Who wants to yarn with a full tucker-bag outside and none under the waistbelt? Shove along." He swung his swag on to his shoulder again and resumed the walk, the others following, Gleeson silent and morose. The view of Palmer Billy was correct.