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"Two hundred pounds!" exclaimed Ireton, "besides the governor's offer that's three hundred. I must go to work again. Keep a sharp look out, Austin, and see that we lose no one else. I should be sorry if Shotbolt got the reward." "Devilish hard! I'm not allowed a chance," grumbled Austin, as he was left alone. "However, some one must look after the jail; and they're all gone but me.

Shotbolt thinks he has a scheme that can't fail," interposed Austin; "but he wishes to know whether you'll be as good as your word, in respect to the great reward you offered for Jack's capture." "Have I ever broken my word in such matters, that he dares put the question?" rejoined Jonathan sternly. "Tell Mr.

The tapstress was full of curiosity; but she appeared more easy than the others. Behind her stood Caliban, chuckling to himself, and grinning from ear to ear. "Well, who'd have thought of Shotbolt beating us all in this way!" said Ireton. "I'm sorry for old Newgate that another jail should have it. It's infernally provoking." "Infernally provoking!" echoed Langley.

Having seen the chairmen concealed in the entry, Shotbolt proceeded to Mr. Kneebone's habitation, the shutters of which were closed, and knocked at the door. The summons was instantly answered by a shop-boy. "Is your master at home?" inquired the jailer.

"That's for myself," rejoined Mrs. Maggot, dealing him a blow, which stretched him senseless on the floor. "Bravo, Poll!" cried Jack, who having again pinioned Shotbolt, was now tracing a few hasty lines on a sheet of paper. "You've given him a broken head, I perceive." "He'll scarcely need a plaister," replied Mrs. Maggot, laughing.

Shotbolt that if he, or any other person, takes Jack Sheppard before to-morrow morning, I'll double it. Do you hear?" "I do, Sir," replied Austin respectfully. "Two hundred pounds, if he's lodged in Newgate before to-morrow morning," continued Wild. "Make it known among your friends." And he strode out of the place.

"Jack Sheppard knows this house, I believe, Sir," observed Shotbolt. "Every inch of it," replied the woollen-draper. "He ought to do, seeing that he served his apprenticeship in it to Mr. Wood, by whom it was formerly occupied. His name is carved upon a beam up stairs." "Indeed!" said Shotbolt. "Where can I hide myself?" he added, glancing round the room in search of a closet. "Under the table.

"You've got him?" demanded Ireton. "Safe inside," replied the chairman, wiping the heat from his brow; "we've run all the way." "Where's Mr. Shotbolt?" asked Austin. "The gen'l'man'll be here directly. He was detained. T' other gen'l'man said the letter 'ud explain all." "Detained!" echoed Marvel. "That's odd. But, let's see the prisoner." The chair was then opened.

The conflict was of short duration; for Shotbolt was no match for his athletic antagonist. He was speedily disarmed; and the rope and gag being found upon him, were exultingly turned against him by his conqueror, who, after pinioning his arms tightly behind his back, forced open his mouth with the iron, and effectually prevented the utterance of any further outcries.

For a moment, Kneebone had hesitated about giving the signal to Shotbolt, but, thinking a more favourable opportunity might occur, he determined not to hazard matters by undue precipitation. Placing chairs, therefore, he invited the ladies to be seated, and, paying a similar attention to Jack, began to help to the various dishes, and otherwise fulfil the duties of a host.