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"I hope you'll always say so, Uncle Ira," returned the girl, smiling at him. "I cal'late. Now I'll get washed, but that derned shavin'." "You sit down in that rocker and I'll shave you," she said briskly. "Oh, I can do it! I shaved my own father when he was sick last " She stopped, turned away, and fell silent.

"You know," said Shorty, "the officers thinks they 'as to rough it, but they got it soft, I'm tellin' you! Wooden bunks to sleep in, batmen to bring 'em 'ot water fer shavin' in the mornin', all the fags they wants, Blimy, I wonder wot they calls livin' 'igh?" I agreed that in so far as living quarters are concerned, they were roughing it under very pleasant circumstances.

'An' ef Zack ain't shavin' the capting, I guess I'm a Dutchman, remarked a neighbouring settler to Robert. 'I reckon a matter of two year'll shave him out o' Daisy Burn, clear and clean. But its owner had some brilliant scheme in the future for lifting him free of every embarrassment. Rainbow tints illuminated all prospective pages of Captain Armytage's life.

As for shavin', I've got a bull's-eye sort of glass in the lid o' my soap-box that serves all my purpose, and I shave wi' cold water, so I won't be botherin' you in the mornin's for hot. I've got a paintin' of my last ship the Daisy done in water-colours it's a pretty big 'un, but by hangin' Samuel on the other bulk-head, an' stickin' that black thing over the door, we can make room for it."

'Twas a swell place, where bigbugs done their tradin', and there she runs into Cousin Harriet, who was a chronic customer, always out of servants, owin' to the complications of Archibald and nerves. And Harriet hires her, because she was pretty and would work for a shavin' more'n nothin', and carts her right off to Connecticut.

"Reddy, he's shavin' and Frisco's struggling with a biled shirt I mean with a necktie," Denver hastily amended. "They'll be along right soon, I shouldn't wonder." "Y'u better go tell the boys Miss Nora don't want her kitchen littered up with so many of them," suggested his rival. "Y'u're foreman here.

He was shavin' himself, goin' to see his girl, and he let us play on his Jews harp and smell the cigars he had in his trunk, which he had perfumed with cinnamon or somethin'. Grandpa and grandma had gone to Concord to church, and Uncle Henry was in town seein' his girl, and the hired girl was off for the day.

Whiskey that's what did it, real Burbon's the stuff. Hot water, sugar, 'n' jest a little shavin' of lemon-skin in it, skin, mind you, none o' your juice; take it off thin, shape of one of them flat curls the factory-girls wear on the sides of their foreheads.

About the third call catches her ear. She sort of starts and gazes at the crowd kind of puzzled. There's such a mob, though, she don't pick me out. I could see her turn to Marjorie and say something, and then I gets wise to the fact that the four-eyed gent with the bristly hair and the half gray set of shavin' brush mustaches, standin' next to Marjorie, was one of their party.

"He was a early riser, and always wanted his shavin' water promp'. When his bell didn't ring, I thought the storm had kep' him awake, and he was having a mornin' nap, to make up for lost time. The clock had struck eight, and the cook said as how the steak and chops was as dry as a bone from waitin', and so I got the water and went to Marster's door. It was shet tight, and I knocked easy.