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Just flashed her haughty eyes upon my poor scram body, and then let them go past me to what was yond, much as if I'd been no more than a leafless tree. She had just got off her mare to look at the last wring-down of cider for the year; she had been riding, and so her colours were up and her breath rather quick, so that her bosom plimmed and fell plimmed and fell every time plain to my eye.

In his room, three were sitting on the bed and the chair holding glasses and, of course, smoking like the rest. James dropped his overnight bag on a low stand and headed for his bathroom. One of the men caught sight of him and said, "Hey kid, scram!" James looked at the man coldly. "You happen to be using my bedroom.

'Comrades and fellow-soldiers, said Festus to the hot farmers and yeomen he entertained within, 'as we have vowed to brave danger and death together, so we'll share the couch of peace. You shall sleep here to- night, for it is getting late. My scram blue-vinnied gallicrow of an uncle takes care that there shan't be much comfort in the house, but you can curl up on the furniture if beds run short.

Jake said, "Dollar-fifty." "Two," said Moe. "One seventy-five." "Two." "Go find it and put it back." "Gimme the buck-six," grunted Moe. "Pretty cheap for a good shoe, a wheel, and a sausage." "Bring it in alone next time, and I'll slip you two-fifty. That gang you use costs, too. Now scram, Jimmy James and I got business to talk over." "He taking over?" "Don't talk stupid. I need a spotter.

"Well, the word cead mile failte seemed to sthreck his heart, and the ould chap cocked his ear, and so I thought I'd give him another offer, and make him sensible at last: and so says I, wanst more, quite slow, that he might understand, 'Parly voo frongsay, munseer. "'We, munseer, says he. "'Then lind me the loan of a gridiron, says I, 'and bad scram to you.

"Sometime I might go to Mercury, myself when I get good and sick of sitting on my tail, here when I always was a man of action! Mercury does have possibilities plenty of solar power, certainly; plenty of frozen atmosphere on the dark face. Interesting, Frank... Oh, hell, I forgot there's a letter here for you. And a package. Just arrived... I'll scram, now. Got to go down to the quays.

I'd ha' married en just as she did, and if he'd said two words to me about not telling him beforehand anything whatsomdever about my first chap that I hadn't chose to tell, I'd ha' knocked him down wi' the rolling-pin a scram little feller like he! Any woman could do it." The laughter which followed this sally was supplemented only by a sorry smile, for form's sake, from Tess.

Probably it was the first time in the history of commercial transactions that the quality of shortness in a butcher's bill was a cause of tribulation to the debtor. "Why, this isn't all she've had in a whole month!" said Geoffrey. White's, and this eleven pound here to Mr. Day?" "Only two or three little scram rabbits this last week, as I am alive I wish I had!"

I know I lost my head when he accused me, but anyone'd do that." "You mean you were never caught cheating before," Trowbridge sneered. "You sure had me ... us ... all fooled. Now scram, or else...." He doubled his fists and took a step toward Hanlon. The latter still played out his string, but his heart was sick. He liked the fellows they had been among his best friends for five long, happy years.