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'Well, said the landlord, 'I have heard different stories about that, and wouldn't be the man to zay what I couldn't swear to. The story is that Captain De Stancy, who is as poor as a gallicrow, is in full cry a'ter her, and that his on'y chance lies in his being heir to a title and the wold name. But she has not shown a genuine hanker for anybody yet.

He gave his throat a thorough rake round, as if it were the duty of every person not to be mistaken through thickness of voice. "Yes, I knew of such a man," he said. "And what ghastly gallicrow might the poor fellow have been like, Master Fairway?" asked the turf-cutter. "Well, 'a was neither a deaf man, nor a dumb man, nor a blind man. What 'a was I don't say."

'Comrades and fellow-soldiers, said Festus to the hot farmers and yeomen he entertained within, 'as we have vowed to brave danger and death together, so we'll share the couch of peace. You shall sleep here to- night, for it is getting late. My scram blue-vinnied gallicrow of an uncle takes care that there shan't be much comfort in the house, but you can curl up on the furniture if beds run short.

He gave his throat a thorough rake round, as if it were the duty of every person not to be mistaken through thickness of voice. "Yes, I knew of such a man," he said. "And what ghastly gallicrow might the poor fellow have been like, Master Fairway?" asked the turf-cutter. "Well, 'a was neither a deaf man, nor a dumb man, nor a blind man. What 'a was I don't say."