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"On the fourth morning, when we was only about three days from Sandy Hook, the skipper got out o' bed wrong side, an' when he went on deck he was ready to snap at anybody, an' as luck would have it, as he walked a bit forrard, he sees Joe a-sticking his phiz over the side looking at the sarpint. "'What the d are you doing? shouts the skipper, 'What do you mean by it?

She took up a large stone and threw it among the bushes. "What is there, Annorah?" asked Annie, in alarm. "Only a sarpint, miss." "Well, let us hasten home. Mamma will be anxious." After they left, the dark form of a man rose from behind the green knoll where they had been sitting, and moved slowly along the bank of the stream, down the valley. It was Father M'Clane.

We knew we had seen something unearthly; even the captain and Lieutenant Freemantle, though they put down the damage to a waterspout for fear of alarming the men, knew differently, as we did. We had seen the great sea sarpint, if anybody had, every man-jack of us aboard!

It struck us all as 'ow the sarpint was gitting tired o' bread, and was misbehaving himself, consequently we just shoved our 'eds out o' the fore-scuttle and listened. All the hullaballoo seemed to be on the bridge, an' as we didn't see the sarpint there we plucked up courage and went on deck. "Then we saw what had happened.

He was a brutal sort o' a man at the best o' times, an' he carried on so much that I s'pose they thought even the sarpint couldn't be worse. Anyway, up they came, an' we all stood in a crowd watching the sarpint as it came closer and closer. "We reckoned it to be about a hundred yards long, an' it was about the most awful-looking creetur you could ever imagine.

"So it is!" cried Martin, who, on a nearer approach, observed that the brute's body was cut in two just below the swelling at the neck. "Now, did ye iver," cried Barney with increased surprise, "see a sarpint with a cow's horns growin' out at its mouth? Put ashore, old boy; we must have a 'vestigation o' this remarkable cratur."

"Is it the sea sarpint ye're maning?" "Will hany gentleman lend me 'is hopera-glass?" "I'm blessed if I don't think we're going to go half speed. I sailed seven years in the Amiable with old Savage, and I'm blessed if he ever put her a point out of her course for anything. 'Every boat for herself, and the sea for us all, he used to say, and allus kept his eyes forwards in foul weather."

"When missus bemeaned herself to shout out at me as if I'd been a sarpint," cried Clo, viciously. "Wal, if ever I see thunder I seed it in marster's face dat ar night!" "Oh!" exclaimed Victoria, bundling up her work, "if you and Mr. Dolf has got secrets to talk ober, I'd better go 'way." "Who's a destryin' the harmony now?" shouted Clo.

One ob de preachers was a-tellin' about ole mudder Ebe a-eatin' de apple, and says he: De sarpint fus' come along wid a red apple, an' says he: 'You gib dis yer to your husban', an' he think it so mighty good dat when he done eat it he gib you anything you ax him fur, ef you tell him whar de tree is. Ebe, she took one bite, an' den she frew dat apple away.

But, say, Mas'r Harry, was it such a werry big un?" "Was what a very big one?" I said wonderingly. "Why, the sarpint it might have been a sea-sarpint, for nobody seemed to believe in it." "Yes," I said moodily, "an enormous beast." "And he got it pretty hot from the tiger thing?" "You saw the blood about, and now hold your tongue." "But I ain't done yet, Mas'r Harry," said Tom eagerly.