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"Besides, Master Charles," he urged, when he had once more been restored to his usual equanimity; "besides, you must remember that nearly in the same parts, and about the same time in the beginning of the month of August, 1848 the sea sarpint, as people who have never seen it are so fond of joking of, was seen by the captain and crew of HMS Daedalus and the event was put down in the ship's log, and reported officially to the Admiralty.

'We'd better not let it get peckish. Try it with a loaf o' bread. "The cook went below and fetched up half-a-dozen, an' one o' the chaps, plucking up courage, slung it over the side, an' afore you could say 'Jack Robinson' the sarpint had woffled it up an' was looking for more.

The rebellious young sarpint of a son, who allus pulled a lusty oar, has chased them two older ones into the deep water of the channel, where a pistol shot can't be heard ashore, and he expected the property to be his'n. But there are gallowses yet, thank the Lord!" "Mrs.

And then he kinder coaxes, and she says, sorter sassy, but listenin' all the time, woman like, ye know, Eve and the sarpint! and she says, 'I'll see to-morrow. And he says, 'You won't blow on me? and I gets excited and peeps in, and may I be teetotally durned ef I didn't see " "What?" yelled the crowd. "Why, DADDY ON HIS KNEES TO THAT THERE FANCY DANCER, Grace Somerset!

"One of the boys, miss that's him not much of him the young Sarpint of the Prairie, we call him in the trade he don't seem to ha' much amiss with him, do he now, miss? he had a bit of a fall only on them pads a few minutes ago, the more shame to the Sarpint, the rascal!" Here he pretended to hit the Sarpint, who never moved a coil in consequence, only smiled.

"So it is!" cried Martin, who, on a nearer approach, observed that the brute's body was cut in two just below the swelling at the neck. "Now, did ye iver," cried Barney with increased surprise, "see a sarpint with a cow's horns growin' out at its mouth? Put ashore, old boy; we must have a Vestigation o' this remarkable cratur."

She listened with avidity. She co-operated with zeal. She suggested such modifications and improvements for securing the success of the conspiracy, and the safety of the conspirators, as only her woman's tact, inspired by the demon, could invent. "Oh, the she-sarpint! the deadly, wenemous, pisonous sarpint!" shuddered Katie, in her hiding-place.

'Wot you mean, you triflin' sarpint, says she, 'a fotchin' me dat apple wot ain't good fur nuffin but ter make cider wid? Den de sarpint he go fotch her a yaller apple, an' she took one bite, an' den says she: 'Go 'long wid ye, you fool sarpint, wot you fotch me dat June apple wot ain't got no taste to it? Den de sarpint he think she like sumpin' sharp, an' he fotch her a green apple.

The skipper didn't worry about his fits, 'cept that he said he wasn't to let the sarpint see his face when he was in 'em for fear of scaring it; an' when the mate wanted to leave him out o' the watch, he ses, 'No, he might as well have fits while at work as well as anywhere else.

"Get in then," said his father roughly, giving him a push with his foot. "I daren't. It's so dark!" he answered. "Here, you come an' take the Sarpint," returned the father, with faintly reviving hope, "an' I'll see what sort of a place it is. If it's any place at all, it's better than bein' i' the air all night at this freezin' time!"