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"I don't know as I ever saw Gail measure it She just guesses at it; but I think we could each eat a big cupful, don't you?" "I'm hungry enough to eat two cupsful," said Allee. "P'r'aps 'twould be better to cook two for each of us. It's good cold, s'posing we shouldn't eat it all tonight."

And, forgetting her fright in the friendly glance and tone of this new preacher, Peace giggled out, "I was just thinking s'posing we were all grasshoppers, how funny we'd look hopping around here instead of walking. We'd have to shake feet instead of hands, and if we wanted to go across the room all we'd have to do would be to take a big jump."

But it was a long, long time before I could go to sleep, 'cause I kept on thinking, an' thinking s'posing there really wasn't any Money Moon, after all! s'posing you were going to marry another lady in London! You see, it would all be so frightfully awful, wouldn't it?" "Terribly dreadfully awful, my Porges." "But you never do tell lies, do you, Uncle Porges?" "No!"

"Mercy!" exclaimed the bewildered Peace, looking at her money and trying to figure out how much more was needed for her wants. "That means a pair of shoes and one over. Why, Allee, if everybody would just pay like that, we will get through quick, won't we? But I 'xpect lots of 'em will try to make us take only a nickel. Just s'posing we get enough money to buy shoes for the whole family!

So sudden was the discordant burst of song, and so close by, that the tramp stopped in his tracks and stared in the direction of the voice. "Well, of all things! That announcement quite took my breath away!" he ejaculated, hurrying forward once more. "The voice sounds like 'S'posing Peace. I wonder if it can be she." It was, indeed.

"Would you like to have me come to visit you tomorrow?" suggested Elizabeth, who dreaded the ordeal almost as much as did Peace. "No, you needn't mind. S'posing I should make a frizzle of everything, you'd feel just terribly, I know, and I should, too. I guess it will be bad enough with all the other mothers there. But I wish there wasn't going to be any exercises. I'm sick of 'em already.

"If it fits?" echoed her companion. "Yes. S'posing Mr. Swift was slower'n molasses in January and Mr. Smart was stupid as a stump, they would be as big misfits as I am, wouldn't they? Now if grandpa could just have known the kind of a girl I was going to be, I bet he never would have named me Peace. Faith says it would have been more 'propriate if he had called me Pieces.

Lacy or Mrs. Edwards. She's got a big bundle. Maybe it's the Salvation Army bringing us some old duds like they did the German family last week. But s'posing it was some rich aunt or grandmother we didn't know we had. It's awfully hard not to have any relations like other folks. I am going through old Cross-Patch's cornfield, 'stead of running clear around by the road."

"Well, man, what now?" "I never knowed such a thing in this here parish afore," began Mr. Stirn; "and I can only 'count for it by s'posing that them foreign Papishers have been semminating " "Been what?" "Semminating " "Disseminating, you blockhead, disseminating what?" "Damn the stocks," began Mr. Stirn, plunging right /in medias res/, and by a fine use of one of the noblest figures in rhetoric.

"You will say it all right with me in the room!" retorted the woman grimly. "Then s'posing you look out of the window and quit staring so hard at me. All I can think of is that scowl, and it doesn't help a bit." The dazed teacher shifted her gaze, and Peace slowly began, "'Come to me, O ye children!" speaking very distinctly and with more expression than Miss Peyton had thought possible.