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I tauld your honour I was fleyed wi' a bogle that night, but ye wadna listen to me I aye thought there was witchcraft and deevilry amang the Papishers, but I ne'er saw't wi' bodily een till that awfu' night." "Get along, sir," said I, "and bring the fellows you talk of; and see they have more sense than yourself, and are not frightened at their own shadow."

'Nay, cried the parson, now recognising and knowing him to be our John's first cousin, 'you do not mean to say, Sam, that His Gracious Majesty is dead! 'Dead as a sto-un: poisoned by they Papishers. And Sam rubbed his hands with enjoyment, at the effect he had produced. 'Remember where you are, Sam, said Parson Bowden solemnly; 'when did this most sad thing happen?

She was too gay and worldly for his taste, which, where women were concerned, could have been comprised in the old advice "To avoid Papishers and learn to knit." And when he looked on the industry and thrift of Rachel his heart hardened toward his son for his blindness.

Yonder lieth the enemy, Lord, Thine and mine, wherefore let 'em be rooted out and utterly destroyed; for if these be Portingales and Papishers if ha if ?" Resolution ceased his prayer and glancing up, pointed with stabbing finger: "Yon ship's no more Portingale than I am look, friend, look!"

"In the library!" answered the old man; "nobody has sat there this many a day, and the room smokes, for the daws have built in the chimney this spring, and there were no young men about the Hall to pull them down." "Our ain reekes better than other folk's fire," said Andrew. "His honour likes the library; he's nane o' your Papishers, that delight in blinded ignorance, Mr. Syddall."

"'N' I could wish," severely, raising her voice, "'s all others could profit likewise by this dispensation. Them as is kerried off by tantrums, 'n' consorts with Papishers 'n' the Lord knows what, might see in this a judgment, ef they would." Mis' Browst groaned in concert. "Ye needn't girn that away, Jane Browst," whispered Aunt Perrine, emphatically.

"Because I and many others, for the matter of that have built a snug house out of the stone of the monasteries. I'll have a cut at 'em if it costs me a crown." "Is this sort of thing to thy liking?" the sailor asked of his companion. "No," was the sharp response. "Neither is it to mine; although, mind you, I have seen these same Papishers play some devil's tricks on good Protestants.

The taverns made themselves more decorous and respectable, the coffee houses were really attractive, the theater ventured to offer quite a variety of plays, and the assemblies began in a very select fashion. There was also a more general desire for intelligence, and the days of "avoiding Papishers and learning to knit" as the whole duty of women were at an end.

Stirn twirled his hat, elevated his eyebrows, jerked his thumb over his shoulder, and whispered, "I hear as how the two Papishers slept at your honour's last night." "What, dolt! do you suppose Dr. Rickeybockey got out of his warm bed to bung up the holes in my new stocks?" "Noa; he's too cunning to do it himself, but he may have been semminating.

"Well, man, what now?" "I never knowed such a thing in this here parish afore," began Mr. Stirn; "and I can only 'count for it by s'posing that them foreign Papishers have been semminating " "Been what?" "Semminating " "Disseminating, you blockhead, disseminating what?" "Damn the stocks," began Mr. Stirn, plunging right in medias res, and by a fine use of one of the noblest figures in rhetoric.