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Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

Si, being the shortest of the Corporals, was at the foot of the company, while Shorty, on account of his hight, was well up toward the head. Si almost fainted when he saw the Colonel stop in front of his "pard" and make an examination of his fatlooking knapsack. Military official dignity gave way when the removal of the single garment exposed the stuffing of hay.

It had milk, molasses, or even applejack, for Si then was not a member of the Independent Order of Good Templars, of which society he is now an honored officer. Nothing could be nicer, when he was on picket, to bring buttermilk in from the neighboring farm-house to his chum Shorty, who stood post while he was gone.

Comment avez-vous pu mettre dans votre esprit qu'appuyes de nos propres forces, nous eussions presume de penser a un si glorieux dessein? Si Dieu n'est point dans l'affaire de Montreal, si c'est une invention humaine, ne vous en mettez point en peine, elle ne durera guere.

"Hoc quodcunque vides hospes quam maxima Roma est, Ante Phrygem Enean collis et herba fuit." Roma domus fiet: Veios migrate, Quirites; Si non et Veios occupat ista domus. Mounts Citorio and Testacio. The Janicula, Mount Vaticano and Mount Mario. After the excursion to the Capitol and the Forum, Corinne and Nelville spent two days in visiting the Seven Hills.

"Truly, Si? Well, I'm satisfied," said Mrs. Lapham, with a deep tremulous breath. "The Lord has been good to you, Silas," she continued solemnly. "You may laugh if you choose, and I don't know as I believe in his interfering a great deal; but I believe he's interfered this time; and I tell you, Silas, it ain't always he gives people a chance to make it up to others in this life.

Q was left behind to see that the teams got over, while the rest of the 200th Ind. was halted on the farther bank, to watch the operation and give help if needed. Si, with a squad in which was Shorty, was ordered to take the first team, which it happened Groundhog drove, down into the stream and start it across. "Now, be very careful with that wagon," called the Adjutant across the stream.

Moved with compassion, he turned away, leaving Si to enjoy his rest. Si threw aside his traps, took off his shoes and stockings, and bathed his feet with water from his canteen. He ate a couple of hardtack, and in the course of half an hour began to feel more like Si Klegg. He geared himself up, shouldered his gun, and started to "ketch up."

Mademoiselle Viefville, permit me to ask how you like that house?" "Mais, c'est un petit chateau" "Un château, Effinghamisé," said Eve, laughing. "Effinghamisé si vous voulez, ma chère; pourtant c'est un château." "The general opinion in this part of the country is," said Aristabulus, "that Mr.

"How in the world'd we ever git clean through the State without the least bit o' trouble?" asked Harry Joslyn, as they stood together on the platform awaiting the return of Si and Shorty, who had gone to see about their breakfast. "It was fight from the word go with the other men from the minute they struck Kentucky."