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"Howly Moses!" a voice in shrill agitation broke in upon her preoccupation. "An' is it sheddin' tears ye are upon the blessed gunpowther? Sure the colleen's crazed! Millia Murther! the beautiful ca'tridges is ruint intoirely! Any man moight be proud an' plazed to be kilt by the loikes o' them! How many o' them big wathery tears have yez been after sheddin' into aich o' them lovely ca'tridges?"

And I was beastly hungry the day before yesterday. 'I have been there, returned Darco. 'There was an English Duke he is dead now I did a liddle service in Puda Besth. He vanted to bay me. I said "I am Cheorge Dargo. I do not take money excebt in the way of business." Ven I was ruint in the United States I game back to England, and I hat not one benny. I galled on the Duke. He was at bregfasd.

De mans wass do dees treeck, he buy me new clothes you bet you! Dass wass de mean " "Say, Dock," broke in Weary, towering over him, "you dig up some dope for tin-can poison, and do it quick. Patsy's took bad." Old Dock looked up at him and shook his shaggy, white beard. "Das wass de mean treeck," he repeated, waving the coat at Weary. "You see dass? Mine coat, she ruint; dass was new coat!"

"I wouldn't 'a' had it happen for the world!" she sobbed. "Not for all the world." "What is the matter, Mrs. Callahan?" inquired Miss Margery. "Where's Honey-Sweet?" asked Anne. "I wouldn't 'a' had that doll ruint for nothin'," wailed Mrs. Callahan. "Honey-Sweet? ruined?" stammered Anne. "What has happened to Anne's doll, Mrs. Callahan? Will you please explain at once?"

"Dey's er heap uv de beases done ruint deyse'fs wid dey cuttin's up an' gwines on," continued Daddy Jake.

"I always aimed ter raise him up in godly ways," went on the father with self-accusing misery, "but I war a hard man, an' I never gentled him none. I reckon I driv him ter others ... thet debauched an' ruint him." He had been, to that point, the man conscious only of his hurt, but now his face became contorted and livid with a sudden hurricane of rage.

She haul off an' slap me down an' call me all kin' o' names dat I didn' know what dey meant. My nose bled an' ruint de nice clean dress I had on. When de Mistis come back Marse George was wid 'er. She asked me what on earth happen to me an' I tol' 'er. Dey call Ca'line in de room an' asked her if what I say was de truf. She tell 'em it was, an' dey sent 'er away.

"Also vot vill be dher gost, if any?" put in Shylock. A murmur of disapprobation greeted this remark. "The cost need not trouble you, sir," said Sir Walter, indignantly, addressing the stranger; "you will have carte blanche." "Den ve are ruint!" cried Shylock, displaying his palms, and showing by that act a select assortment of diamond rings. "Oh," laughed the stranger, "that is a simple matter.

'Jarlie Prown is Glautia Pelmond, said Darco. 'She has kebt her initials. C stands for Glautia, just as veil as it stands for Jarlie; and P stands both for Prown and Pelmond. She has ruint as many men as she has does and vingers. It is no pusiness of mine. Co your vays, you silly itiot 'Id is your dime of life to be an itiot, and it is my dime of life to laugh at you.

A vague blur of complementary color swam in Madden's eyes. A gasp went up from the watchers. "Bhoys," faltered Hogan in an awed tone, "th' banshees ar-re dancin' to-night!" "Banshees!" sneered Mulcher. "Th' deck's caved in it'll break out again!" "Th' engines must be ruint complately." "Wot do ye make of it, Mister Madden?" asked Galton, bewildered. "Look there it is again!"