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Updated: September 15, 2024
The plays he had seen, Cinna, Bajazet, the stern beauty of Émilie, the sweet ferocity of Roxana, the sight of the actress cloaked in velvet, her face shining so pale and clear in the darkness, his longings, his hopes, his undying love, he recounted everything with cries and tears.
Sperrit drove in to see her sister she jus' took Roxana home with her. She says Roxana 'll be happy with Bobby on the farm, 'n' it's easy to be seen as Mrs. Maxwell is envyin' Mrs. Macy, for she says 't it's as plain 's the nose on the outside o' your face 't 'Liza Em'ly 's nothin' to rip." Miss Clegg ceased speech to rock and fan for a minute or two. "Did you see " asked Mrs. Lathrop.
Singleton is a rascal who "plays Charlemagne," as the French gambling term has it, and endows his repentance with the profits of his sin. As for Roxana there are few more repulsive heroines in fiction while the Cavalier and the chief figure in the Voyage Round the World are simply threads on which their respective adventures are strung.
"It must revive and delight her to have Roxana for a sister!" cried Pollux; but his pretty companion shook her head and said: "She is always so odd; what most delights me is averse to her." "Well Selene is of course the moon, and you are the sun." "And what are you?" asked Arsinoe. "I am tall Pollux, and to-night I feel as if I might some day be great Pollux."
"Early," said Keraunus, smiling. "My stomach says the contrary. The sun is already high, and I have not yet had my porridge." "Make the old woman cook it." "No, no, my child you must get up. Have you forgotten whom you are to represent? And my hair is to be curled, and the prefect's wife, and then your dress." "Very well go; I do not care the least bit about Roxana and all the dressing-up."
Country people are apt to criticize the proceedings of their neighbors with a greater degree of freedom than is common elsewhere. As Frank was on his way to school on Saturday morning, his name was called by Mrs. Roxana Mason, who stood in the doorway of a small yellow house fronting on the main street. "Good morning, Mrs. Mason," said Frank politely, advancing to the gate in answer to her call.
That was a pleasure he had every right to permit himself, and he wished to show to Melissa the re-created military forces of him to whom, in a former existence, as Roxana, she had been so dear. Quick as ever to suit the deed to the word, he at once ordered the head citizens to assemble the youth of Alexandria on the morning of the day in question, and to form them into a Macedonian phalanx.
Had he intended to attack, he might have seized a dozen occasions for assaulting our troops at passes through which they had been allowed to go entirely free. So George had given up his favourite mare, like a hero as he was, and was marching afoot with the line? Madam Esmond vowed that he should have the best horse in Virginia or Carolina in place of Roxana.
"People have seen," he said, pathetically, "that we need not shrink from doing as much as other citizens do, but to dress a Roxana as befits a bride would cost millions, and I am very willing to confess to my friends that I have not millions.
"Plutarch, and the prefect's wife had undertaken that." "A mere beggar." "How well the family jewels would have suited our daughters!" "Do we want to show Caesar nothing but a few silly pretty faces? and not something of our wealth and taste?" "Supposing Hadrian asks who this Roxana is, and had to be told that a collection had to be made to get her a proper costume."
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