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However, I need not have cited ancient rhetoricians, historians, and chroniclers like these; in quite recent times the painter Aetion is said to have brought his picture, Nuptials of Roxana and Alexander, to exhibit at Olympia; and Proxenides, High Steward of the Games on the occasion, was so delighted with his genius that he gave him his daughter.

"Nothing can be said against her beauty, but she is dressed less than simply, and wears no kind of ornament worth speaking of it is a thousand to one against her parents being in a position to provide her with such a rich dress, and such costly jewels as Roxana certainly ought to display when about to be married to Alexander. The Asiatic princess must appear in silk, gold and precious stones.

"And will they allow it here?" "I should suppose so." "Then answer me truly. Did you come here for Julia's sake, or did you come " "Well?" "Or did you expect to find the fair Roxana with the prefect's wife?" "Roxana?" asked Verus, with a cunning smile. "Roxana!

He had no more connection with Alexander than Melissa had with Roxana, whom she resembled. The blood seethed hotly in his veins; to live on these terms seemed to him impossible. As soon as it was day it must surely be seen that he was very seriously ill. The spirit of Tarautas would again appear to him and not merely as a vaporous illusion and put an end to his utter misery.

It must have been a very wonderful picture, I think I hear some one say, to make the High Steward give his daughter to a stranger. Well, I have seen it it is now in Italy , so I can tell you. A fair chamber, with the bridal bed in it; Roxana seated and a great beauty she is with downcast eyes, troubled by the presence of Alexander, who is standing.

The delicate color in her cheeks, and the dimple he had seen while she stroked the lion had struck him as particularly fascinating. This had helped to make her so like the Roxana on the gem, and the change in her roused his pity. She must smile again; and so, accustomed as he was to visit his annoyance on others, he angrily exclaimed to his "Friends": "Can I be everywhere at once?

She then brought him drink, and after Caracalla had sat up refreshed, and felt that the pain, which, after a sharp attack, lasted sometimes for days, had now already left him, he said, quite gently, mindful of her sign: "How much better I feel already; and for this I thank you, Roxana; yes, you know.

To connect Defoe with the past of English literature, we must get over the whole of the seventeenth century, and go back to 'Jack Wilton, the worthy brother of 'Roxana, 'Moll Flanders, and 'Colonel Jack." It is to be regretted that Nash made no second adventure in pure fiction. "Jack Wilton," now one of the rarest of his books, was never reprinted in its own age.

It was all to no purpose, that the poor creature claimed the protection of the laws of God and man, both which were violated and abused, as well as herself, by this infamous imposition: in vain did she throw herself at the King's feet to demand justice: she had only to rise up again without redress; and happy might she think herself to receive an annuity of one thousand crowns, and to resume the name of Roxana, instead of Countess of Oxford.

Dressed in his best and with a well-filled purse, he was on the point of starting for the council-chamber with his new slave when Sophilus the tailor and his girl-assistant were shown into the living-room. The man begged to be allowed to try the dress, ordered for Roxana by the prefect's wife, on the steward's daughter.