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Nothing was said as the two trod the snow-banked streets; not until they halted at the door of the Courteau House did Rouletta speak; then she said: "I wouldn't have let you do this, only I have! a temper." "So have I," Pierce said, shortly. "It's humiliating to own up." "I was wrong. I have no right to hurt that girl's feelings." "Right?" He laughed angrily. "She had no right to make a scene."

Jerry removed a baking-powder can from the window-shelf and out of it he poured a considerable amount of coarse gold which the visitors examined with intense interest. "Them's our pannin's." "How splendid!" Rouletta cried. "I been clamorin' to hire some men and take life easy. I say put on a gang and h'ist it out, but" Jerry shot a glance at his partner "people tell me I'm vi'lent an' headstrong.

I'm sure you don't care for him." "Not in the least. He's the sort of man you can't love or hate; he's a nine-spot. Just the same, he protects me and I can't help being sorry for him." Rouletta smiled. "Fancy you needing protection and him giving " "You don't understand. He protects me from myself. I mean it.

They were, or had been, 'Poleon's; so was the pocket-mirror hanging by a safety-pin to the canvas wall above. Rouletta recalled with a smile the flourish of pride with which he had presented to her this ludicrous bureau and its fittings. Was there ever such a fellow as this Doret? Was there ever a heart so big, so kind? A stranger, it seemed to the girl that she had known him always.

He had made book on many tracks; he it was who had brought out the filly Rouletta, Sam Kirby's best-known thoroughbred, and "mopped up" with her. Both mine and mare Danny had named after Kirby's girl, and under Danny's management both had been quick producers. All in all, Royal was considered by those who knew him best as a master of many trades and a Jack of none.

"Rouletta figger' it out jus' right. By golly! Dat's de smartes' gal!" "She is indeed. But Frank? What happened? How did you manage ?" 'Poleon hesitated. There was a reason why he did not wish the details of that affair on the upper Forty Mile to become public.

"Agnes was my father's friend. Nobody ever ran out on her." Miller blinked, he uttered a feeble exclamation, then he burst into a mighty laugh. He was still shaking, his face was purple, there were tears of mirth in his eyes, when he followed Broad, Bridges, and Rouletta into the gambling-room. There were several players at the faro-table when the girl took her place.

The Countess Courteau was walking slowly when Rouletta overtook her a block or so down the street. She looked up as the younger woman joined her. "Well," she said, "I presume you saw. Not a look, not a thought for any one but her that other girl." "Yes, I saw." There was a pause, then: "She's wonderful. I think I'm very glad." "Glad?" Hilda raised her brows; she glanced curiously at the speaker.

Far from taking offense at this espionage, Rouletta rather enjoyed it; she grew to like these ruffians, and that liking became mutual. Soon most of them took her into their confidence with a completeness that threatened to embarrass her, as, for instance, when they discussed in her hearing incidents in their colorful lives that the Mounted Police would have given much to know.

Why, if this river wasn't fenced in with trees we'd have taken the wrong road and been lost, long ago." Rouletta nodded thoughtfully. "Father is just as afraid of water as you are. He won't admit it, but I can tell. It has gotten on his nerves and I've had hard work to keep him from drinking." "Say! Don't let him get started on THAT!" Danny exclaimed, earnestly. "That WOULD be the last touch."