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When we leave Pont de Roide, we once more enter the region of Protestantism, every village possessing a Protestant as well as a Catholic Church. The drive to Blamont is charming a bit of Devonshire, with green lanes, dells, and glades, curling streams and smooth pastures.

If Allis hadn't laughed in his face, being full of the happiness of hope, Mike would not have recognized her even then he didn't hit it off quite right. "Alan Porter!" he gasped. "Bot' t'umbs up! Is it ye, b'y?" "Hush!" and a small warning finger was held up. "Don't fear, b'y, that I'll give it away. Mum's the word wit' me. But I'm dahmned if I t'ought ye could roide like that.

"Pardon, j'ai oublie son nom, Il n'est pas du pays, but I think he came to the town with Lembke, quelque chose de bete et d'Allemand dans la physionomie. Il s'appelle Bosenthal." "Wasn't it Blum?" "Yes, that was his name. Vous le connaissez? Quelque chose d'Maite et de tres content dans la figure, pomtant tres severe, roide et serieux.

If Lauzanne's satisfied with him he can roide onythin'." When Allis, who was now Al Mayne, the boy, came around and back to the paddock, she slipped quietly from the horse, loitered carelessly about for a few minutes, and then made her way back to Dixon's quarters. Nobody had paid any attention to the modest little boy.

In Carbon, where I arrive after dark, I mention among other things in reply to the usual volley of questions, the fact of having to foot it so great a proportion of the way through the mountain country; and shortly afterward, from among a group of men, I hear a voice, thick and husky with "valley tan," remark: " Faith, Oi cud roide a bicycle meself across the counthry av yeez ud lit me walluk it afut!" and straightway a luminous bunch of shamrocks dangled for a brief moment in the air, and then vanished.

Th' filly's honest, and ye'r honest sir, but ye don't roide th' mare yerself, do ye?" "You think, Mike " began Mr. Porter, questioningly; but Gaynor interrupted him with: "I don't think nothin', sir, an' I ain't sayin' nothin.

It is a pity such delightful scenery as this should not be made more accessible to travellers by a first rate inn. There are several hotels at Maiche, also at St. Hippolyte and Pont de Roide, but they are adapted rather to the wants of the commis-voyageur than the tourist.

"Well, by me faith, ye didn't put up no bad roide. Ye handled that horse foine. Don't run away, lad," he added, hurrying after the retreating Allis. Before she could escape him, he had her by the arm, and turned about face to face. Even then he didn't recognize her, for Allis had taken a most subtle precaution in her make-up.

I onderstand," he continued, as Allis showed an inclination to travel, "ye don't want the push to get on to ye. They won't, nayther what did ye say yer name was, sonny?" "Al Mayne." "Ye'r a good b'y, Al. I hope Dixon lets ye roide the Chestnut in the Derby. I'd give wan av me legs an' I needs 'em bot' to see ye beat out that gang av highway robbers that got at the mare.

It's jus' in the breed, that's what it is; ye take to it as natural as ducks " Mike had a habit of springing half-finished sentences on his friends. "Yer father could roide afore ye; none better, an' Miss Allis can sit a horse foiner nor any b'y as isn't a top-notcher. But this beats me, t'umbs up, if it doesn't.