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De Peyster has landed, we dress you up as a top-notcher gad, but we can make you look the part! we put you in a swell carriage, with her coat of arms painted on it and you go around to Tiffany's and all the other swell shops where in the mean time I'll have learned Mrs. De Peyster has charge accounts.

"He LOOKS eleven feet if he's an inch." "I believe you!" cried Tom. "Say, I wonder how big the king is?" "I don't know, but he must be a top-notcher. I wonder what will happen to us?" Oom, who had Tom and his party in charge, led them to the "palace" and it was evident that they were going to be presented to the chief or native king.

He wouldn't take the case a high-and-mighty 'top-notcher' like that unless the reward was a tempting one, I'm sure." "No, I'm afraid he wouldn't," agreed Cleek, with the utmost composure. "So you must leave him out of your calculations altogether, Mr. Van Nant. And now, if you don't mind accompanying us and showing the chauffeur the way, perhaps Mr.

So we figured that they'd pick a real top-notcher even Hopper, or Hupp, maybe and start out with a bang. So when the Old Man called me into his office this morning I was as unconscious as a babe. Well, you know Berg. He's as unexpected as a summer shower and twice as full of electricity. "'Morning, McChesney! he said. 'That a New York necktie you're wearing? "'Strictly, says I.

"Mister Man, I've saw Tim Henan at his best, an' I've saw Sayres when he was a top-notcher, an' likewise several other irregler boxin' sharps that were sure tough tarriers. Also I've saw two short-horn bulls arguin' about a question o' leadership, but so help me Bob the fight I saw that day made the others look like a young ladies' quadrille.

And that's how Bi got his chance again, and threw it away just as he had last year. He played hard, but oh, I don't know. Some fellow wrote once that unless you had football instinct you'd never make a real top-notcher. I think maybe that's so. Maybe Bi didn't have football instinct.

He wouldn't take the case, a high-and-mighty 'top-notcher' like that, unless the reward was a tempting one, I'm sure." "No, I'm afraid he wouldn't," agreed Cleek, with the utmost composure. "So you must leave him out of your calculations altogether, Mr. Van Nant. And now, if you don't mind accompanying us and showing the chauffeur the way, perhaps Mr.

Roberts considered judicially. "No, I won't say that. Ward's a top-notcher and a ring general. But he can't hashhouse Rivera in short order. I know Rivera. Nobody can get his goat. He ain't got a goat that I could ever discover. And he's a two-handed fighter. He can throw in the sleep-makers from any position." "Never mind that. What kind of a show can he put up?

"There is a grey man of that name at the 'Fisherman's Retreat. He is a bit of an artist, they tell me. I will ask Cowley," he said. A few days later he found the secretary in his office. "I have found out all about that artist man," he said. "Custance? Does he know anything about art?" "Do you know anything about law? He's a classic winner, the very deuce of a top-notcher.

"Remember, Billy," Saxon soothed him, "every man to his own game. And down here you're a top-notcher at your own game. There isn't one you're not the master of with the gloves." "I guess that's right," he conceded. "But just the same it goes against the grain to be walked off my legs by a poet by a poet, mind you."