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If John Starhurst persisted in going out and being eaten, there would be a war that would cost hundreds of lives. Later in the day a deputation of Rewa chiefs waited upon John Starhurst. He heard them patiently, and argued patiently with them, though he abated not a whit from his purpose.

Glancing along the wall that faced the big window, he noticed for the first time a huge Afridi, who sat on a stool and leaned back against the silken hangings with arms folded. "Who is that man?" he asked. "He? Oh, he is a savage just a big savage," said Rewa Gunga, looking vaguely annoyed. "Why is he here?" He did not dare let go of this chance side-issue.

A mystery, added to a mystery, stirred all the zeal in him. But in a second he had sweated his excitement down. "Read that, will you?" he said, passing it to Rewa Gunga. It was not in cypher, but in plain everyday English. "She has not gone North," it ran. "She is still in Delhi. Suit your own movements to your plans." "Can you explain?" asked King in a level voice.

So I emphasized the point of your having discovered 'em and saved 'em every wit whole and all that kind of thing. I asked her to come and see me, but she wouldn't, said she was 'disguised and particularly did not want to be recognized, which was reasonable enough. She sent Rewa Gunga instead.

Twelve miles off, on the mainland, is Rewa; and on another small island two miles from Mbau, is Viwa, the residence of Namosimalua, who had become nominally Christian, or was at all events favourable to the Christians. Here Mr Cross took up his abode, when Thakombau refused him admission to Mbau. Thakombau was the son of Tanoa, the chief of Mbau.

And King was too enthralled to do anything but stare. "That is what a woman can do for a man!" said Rewa Gunga grimly. "She set a fuse and exploded all the dynamite. There were tons of it! The galleries must have fallen in, one on the other! A thousand men digging for a thousand years could never get into Khinjan now, and the only way out is down Earth's Drink!

Side partner's the word in the States. I can imagine a worse side partner than that same man Rewa Gunga much worse." "He told me just now," said King, "that Yasmini went up the Pass unescorted, mounted on a mare the very dead spit of the black one you say you wanted to buy." Courtenay whistled. "I'm sorry, King. I'm sorry to say he lied." "Will you come and listen while I have it out with him?"

"Be welcome!" laughed Rewa Gunga; "I am to do the honors, since she is not here. Be seated, sahib." King chose a divan at the room's farthest end, near tall curtains that led into rooms beyond. He turned his back toward the reason for his choice. On a little ivory-inlaid ebony table about ten feet away lay a knife, that was almost the exact duplicate of the one inside his shirt.

The smaller of the two was on her wrist and the larger on her upper arm, but they were so alike, except for size, and so exactly like the one Rewa Gunga had given him in her name and that had been stolen from him in the night, that he ran the risk of removing the glasses a moment to stare with unimpeded eyes . Even then the distance was too great. He could not quite see.

"Are you afraid, King sahib?" said the Rangar Rewa Gunga's voice, and he took a step forward to be closer to his questioner. He found himself beside a rock, looking up at the Rangar's turban, that peered over the top of it. He could dimly make out the Rangar's dark eyes. "I would be afraid if I were you!"