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Entering the grounds of the next temple, the Temple of Ken-cho-ji, through the 'Gate of the Forest of Contemplative Words, and the 'Gate of the Great Mountain of Wealth, one might almost fancy one's self reentering, by some queer mistake, the grounds of En-gaku-ji.

"Miss Lacey'd jest as lieves have seen us in our every-day things." "I don't care," said Minty, hopeful still. "Miss Lacey nearly always brings me somethin'." "Take that pink ribbon right off your braid," commanded her mother, reëntering the house. "Oh, no, ma, it goes so good with this dress," pleaded Minty, looking down affectionately at the red plaid. "Let her keep 'em on," said Cap'n Lem.

Being sent to Turin, he had some difficulty in dissuading the Princes from a scheme they had formed at that period of reentering France, with a very weak army, by way of Lyons; and when, in a council which lasted till three o'clock in the morning, he showed his instructions, and demonstrated that the measure would endanger the King, the Comte d'Artois alone declared against the plan, which emanated from the Prince de Conde.

He knew that the possession of those books meant practically the possession of the road. Reentering his office he found the deputy standing in the other doorway. "Gentleman to see you, Mr. West," said the deputy. "Won't give his name. Says it's important." "Show him in," Harvey replied. The deputy stepped back and made way for a quiet-looking man who was even larger than himself.

On reentering this apartment, Henri de Prerolles approached a sort of counter, and, drawing from his pocket thirty thousand francs in bank-notes, he exchanged them for their value in mother-of-pearl "chips" of different sizes, representing sums from one to five, ten, twenty-five, or a hundred louis.

So imprisonment wasn't enough to conceal Captain Nemo's plans from us sleep was needed as well! Then I heard the hatches close. The sea's undulations, which had been creating a gentle rocking motion, now ceased. Had the Nautilus left the surface of the ocean? Was it reentering the motionless strata deep in the sea? I tried to fight off this drowsiness. It was impossible. My breathing grew weaker.

The more closely we approached the dugout the less I liked the prospect of reëntering it. One plan of escape had failed. I was sure the ruffians had no intention of permitting me to leave them and inform the stage people of their presence in the country. One more plan suggested itself to me, and I lost no time in trying it. Dropping one of the sage-hens, I asked the man behind me to pick it up.

But they had to share their dominion with huge herds of marine mammals that looked at us with gentle eyes. These were seals of various species, some stretched out on the ground, others lying on drifting ice floes, several leaving or reentering the sea. Having never dealt with man, they didn't run off at our approach, and I counted enough of them thereabouts to provision a couple hundred ships.

If he could study two or three years longer, she would have been very glad, for her son had already shown abilities of no common order; but that was hardly to be thought of. "There, mother, I guess I've sawed wood enough to last you, unless you are very extravagant," said Herbert, reentering the kitchen, and taking off his cap. "Now is there anything else I can do?

I was pursuing the policy that we had seen the last of him, when on November 16, while reentering my stateroom with Ned and Conseil, I found a note addressed to me on the table. I opened it impatiently. It was written in a script that was clear and neat but a bit "Old English" in style, its characters reminding me of German calligraphy. The note was worded as follows: Professor Aronnax